Final Project Part 2: Octopus Statue


My design process went through three major changes which ended up changing the project significantly. First I had to find what object I wanted to create and then what aesthetic I would fit with it. I settled on a Octopus Statue with the wooden sculpture aesthetic. In my first ideation process I was going to create a cardboard statue and laser cut it into slices that would be assembled to create a 3D model. I was going to attach LED strips to the octopus to add a dynamic aspect. I had created a tentacle before COVID-19 shut down the university

The second Ideation phase went from me creating the object at the university to creating it at home. My idea was to paint cardboard and use a box cutter to then create a simplified shape for the octopus.

Next I had a major panic about the fact that the shapes I cut out were bulky and crude and couldn’t capture the aesthetic or shape. It looked like my nephew could make it. I had to stop everything and change what I was doing.

My third ideation phase involved me going back to my first idea and creating a pure CAD model of what I first wanted to create. I used Rhino to create the CAD model and Fusion 360 to render it in a realistic way. Below is the final version of my project completed in CAD on the bottom of the tentacles are modeled LED strips.

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2 Comments. Leave new

  • Mary Rahjes
    May 3, 2020 6:54 pm

    I really like that you included your “freak out” in your timeline. I feel like a lot of us went through that at some point this semester, and we shouldn’t be afraid to talk about it. But despite that, you pushed on and made a really awesome CAD model, which should be celebrated! Your CAD model is very clean, and I can already picture this sitting on the edge of a bookshelf or desk. What are your plans, if any, for moving forward with this project? Make it with wood? With cardboard?

  • Zach Aldrich
    April 29, 2020 8:19 pm


    I also intended on using cardboard for my project and went through a similar panic when the cutouts were not what I had planned. I think the pivot to the CAD model was smart, and really helps visualize your project. Do you think that when facilities open back up you will continue your project as originally intended?


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