Design Review Part 2 – Design Shift to LED Neon Sign

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic I have had to shift my main project from creating a wood propeller to making an LED “Neon Sign”. This shift was driven by the fact that I lost access to the wood shop and therefore could not make my design. I got the Idea for this project from Chris Lehr and his design review presentation. I was struggling to figure out how I was going to move forward with my original project or what I was going to pivot to, and after hearing his presentation I knew I wanted to make a sign of my own.

My first thought was to make an American Flag and incorporate the unit which I will be a part of after graduation.  I have had a couple of ideas to do this, and I have included images of those designs below.

I am also considering doing an outline of the T-6 and T-38 training aircraft. I would attempt to re-create the images below, and incorporate the “80th FTW” between the jets.

Regardless of which design I chose to proceed with I will follow the following timeline. I finished purchasing all of the materials and supplies needed today. In the following days I plan to finalize my design and begin fabrication. Before I finalize my design I need to figure out how to solder the lights to the wires I am using because this will directly impact what I am able to achieve.

Link to Design Review Presentation:


“T-38 Outline.”,

“T-6 Outline.” KERBAL Space Program,

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3 Comments. Leave new

  • Hey Noah!
    Like everyone else, I am sorry to hear that you had to change the direction of your project. However, I do like that you were still able to incorporate the aspect/theme of aviation into your new design/idea. The details and inspiration behind this new design is also riveting, and I cannot wait to see how it turns out.

  • Abdulrahman Nashawi
    April 3, 2020 10:09 pm

    Hello Noah! I am sorry to hear that you had to change your project. I think your alternative idea is cool and achievable at home. I like how you switched the project but still got to do something that represent your love to aircraft! I think making a neon sign shaped as an aircraft would look much cooler than a flag if you were able to do it. If you are going to do the aircraft, what material are you using and how do you plan to cut it? Do you have an idea of how you are going to place your LED lights for the aircraft? I know you have not made your mind yet, but in the case you are doing a flag, you can still make an aircraft out of the LED lights by making an outline. Either ways, good luck in achieving that!

  • Hi Noah,
    I really like your shift in your design, I like how you decided to focus on something that will be meaningful to you after graduation, showing your dedication to the project and its success. Being in ROTC with you, I also appreciate you choosing the sweet, fighter outline. As for being able to light up your design, there is a couple good tutorials that guide you through it. I have the link to a really good one here:
    How big are you thinking the signs will be? You should keep in mind you will have very limited access to tools that are not at your current location. So I would advice you not to go too big, lest your price of materials rises as well as the time for fabrication. Keep up the good work, let me know how its coming along!
    -Joe Knapp


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