Timeline and Logistics: Floral Automata

COVID-19 Update

Despite planning and prototyping a large automaton, the restrictions on the machine shop have encouraged me to focus on something that I can do at my own home, which only has basic hand tools (small hand saw, drill, etc). This means that I am only going to focus on the hanging mobile aspect of the project. However, this hasn’t affected my timeline (in fact it has made it more manageable) or my design process.


Start Date End Date Task
2/17 3/4 Ideation
3/4 3/11 Prototyping
3/4 3/18 Planning
3/9 3/9 Design Review
3/9 3/18 Feedback and Iteration
3/11 3/18 Buy Material
3/18 4/1 Build
4/1 4/8 User Testing
4/8 4/15 Feedback and Iteration
4/15 4/20 Final Touches
4/20 4/20 Project Due
4/20 5/3 Final Presentations and EXPOs

I am currently in the build phase, transitioning into the user testing portion of the project. 


Material Specifications Quantity
Wooden dowels 36’’ 4
Clear Fishing Line n/a 1 spool
Acrylic Paint Multiple colors, very bright A couple of small bottles
Fake Flowers Very bright, no stem if possible 100+

Design Process

Fabrication Process

Mobile Fabrication Process



Design Review Presentation

Design Review Critique

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Main Project Design Review Part One:
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Design Review Part I – Steampunk Headphone Stand

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Nicole Leon-Molina
    March 9, 2020 1:28 pm

    I am so excited for this! I love how prepared you are for all the work you have to do and I’m glad to see your prototype and your fabrication process sketches. Size is a concern since you will need to make sure you can move it around. I visualize it as a large outdoor exhibit that is in constant motion. For now, I recommend you still stick to using a crank for the motion but engineering the structure so that it is collapsible so that the pieces lock with each other. As another more manageable option, would you consider making your structure something to hang over a door frame? That way people could interact with it while entering/exiting a room and the size would be less intimidating for the first iteration.

    Best of luck! I’m happy to lend a hand if you need it!

    • Hi Nicole! Thanks for the support. I really like the idea of it being outside in constant motion!


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