Main Project Aesthetic & Backups: Drink Maker

For my project I am planning on making a mixed-drink maker. The idea is that there are containers that contain alcohol and mixers, and you would be able to select the drink you want, and it would pump it out of a spout into your cup. The aesthetic I am planning on is modern & futuristic. The left image below is a retro-vibe that I want to stay away from. The right image is more of the modern look that I would like.

This aesthetic involves contrasting black with stainless steel. Unfortunately, I am not rich enough to make this thing out of real stainless, so I will use a stainless steel veneer that will be laid on top of the wood frame. The accented pieces will be 3D printed with either black or white filament. This stainless steel espresso machine is close to the look I expect from this project.

Another alternative aesthetic is a minimalist look. It would be similar, but a lot less features.





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  • Davis-
    Of the aesthetics you mentioned: Modern, minimalist, and futuristic, I like the minimalist vision the most, as it would be in same thread as the project progresses, to keep the product as simple but functional as possible. I imagine as the project progresses, this will become harder to actualize as it is such a complex endeavor. Something like the all around stainless steel finish is something I think could look really clean, you can texture into the aesthetic to make it really clean, perhaps etch you name into the exterior texture,


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