Main Project Inspiration: A Guitar

To satisfy the requirements of:

  1. Deliverables will be a functional artifact that satisfies an aesthetic of your choice, plus documentation
  2. The artifact must be dynamic or complete a task (demonstrating form/function balance)
  3. Has to be aesthetic

My friend is currently building an electrical guitar but recently graduated and can’t use the facilities’ resources on campus, so he’s currently having to hand-make it. After discussing the class with him, It is a possible opportunity to help him make the electrical guitar, having both a great function and aesthetic balance.

Image result for electrical guitar hand made process
Figure 1: This would be the type of aesthetic I would try to go for. Although It might be beyond the scope of this class, in terms of price and amount of work. Afterwards the aesthetic in the design and paint would be very cool to do. Source:!/

If my friend has any other guitars that he’s done, maybe I can improve upon it and document that design process thoroughly, to fit within the scope of the class. If anyone has suggestions as to how I can make this more of a plausible project, that would be ideal in the comments.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Christopher Lehr
    April 21, 2020 2:36 pm


    This is a sick idea! I think that it would be incredibly impressive if you are able to pull this off but I would definitely say it is one of the most impressive projects to take on.

  • Will:
    Awesome idea! Really cool to think about how these instruments are actually manufactured and I’m really excited to see how it comes out! I’m interested in how you plan to wire the electronics and paint it in the end! Keep us updated on the progress!

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