Here are the pods for presentations. You’ll be in the same pod all semester, meeting in the same location on presentation days. I’m expecting the graduate students to volunteer as facilitators for two or three of the presentation days (we have a total of 10 presentation days this semester, and 4 grad students per pod). Each student should plan to speak for 7 minutes, with 5 minutes for critique, so 4 students per session. See Upcyle Specs for more info. Discussions of schedule details have been moved to Slack.
Pod A: Meet in our regular classroom, ITLL 1B50
Thomas Buckholtz will be the first facilitator.
Aldrich, Zach | Zachary.Aldrich@Colorado.EDU |
Bell, Fiona | |
Buckholtz, Thomas | |
Hootman, Jackson | Jackson.Hootman@Colorado.EDU |
Knapp, Joseph | Joseph.Knapp@Colorado.EDU |
Leon-Molina, Nicole | Nicole.Leonmolina@Colorado.EDU |
Luo, Xiang | Xiang.Luo@Colorado.EDU |
Nashawi, Abdulrahman | Abdulrahman.Nashawi@Colorado.EDU |
Rios, Victoria | Victoria.Rios@Colorado.EDU |
Straub, Daniel | Daniel.B.Straub@Colorado.EDU |
Tapsall, Paul | Paul.Tapsall@Colorado.EDU |
Yang, Kevin | Kevin.Yang-3@Colorado.EDU |
Pod B: Meet in ECME 137A (one of the ME conference rooms)
Colosimo, Isabella | Isabella.Colosimo@Colorado.EDU |
Engbrecht, Justin | |
Jordan, Emily | Emily.Jordan@Colorado.EDU |
Lehr, Christopher | chle5569@Colorado.EDU |
Neubarth, Kyle | Kyle.Neubarth@Colorado.EDU |
Radakovitz, Miles | Miles.Radakovitz@Colorado.EDU |
Rahjes, Mary | Mary.Rahjes@Colorado.EDU |
Robertson, Davis | Davis.Robertson@Colorado.EDU |
Rueffert, Rhys | Rhys.Rueffert@Colorado.EDU |
Tse, Will | William.Tse@Colorado.EDU |
Verspohl, Noah | Noah.Verspohl@Colorado.EDU |
Pod C: Meet in ECME 137 B (one of the ME conference rooms)
Armstrong, Max | Peter.M.Armstrong@Colorado.EDU |
Bal, Sarthak | Sarthak.Bal@Colorado.EDU |
Butte, Davis | Davis.Butte@Colorado.EDU |
Elshyeb, Ethan | |
Faraco, George | George.Faraco@Colorado.EDU |
Lee, Emily | emle7585@Colorado.EDU |
Lim, Justin | Justin.Lim@Colorado.EDU |
Pritchard, Hailee | Hailee.Pritchard@Colorado.EDU |
Ross, Austin | Austin.J.Ross@Colorado.EDU |
Walsh, Hannah | |
Wang, Nathaniel | Nathaniel.Wang@Colorado.EDU |
Pod D: Meet in the 2B Lab Plaza, in ITLL, one floor down from our classroom.
We have the whole space reserved; you can use the plaza itself or the breakout room, whichever is more comfortable. Ben Robles has volunteered to be the first facilitator, Weds Feb 12.
Bodine-Ellison, Patrick | Patrick.Bodineellison@Colorado.EDU |
Chang, Benjamin | Benjamin.Chang@Colorado.EDU |
Fontillas, Jason | Jason.Fontillas@Colorado.EDU |
Frankel, Jamie | Jamie.Frankel@Colorado.EDU |
Keely, Charles | Charle.Keely@Colorado.EDU |
Kiatoukaysy, Kensue | Kensue.Kiatoukaysy@Colorado.EDU |
Maes, Austin | Austin.Maes@Colorado.EDU |
Robles, Benjamin | Benjamin.Robles@Colorado.EDU |
Shade, Brooke | Brooke.Shade@Colorado.EDU |
Wahl, Kaiya | Kaiya.Wahl@Colorado.EDU |
Weatherbee, Ryan | Ryan.Weatherbee@Colorado.EDU |
Wong, Bryan | brwo0059@Colorado.EDU |