- Table tent: create a table tent (8.5 X 11 inches, folded lengthwise) that displays your name to be read from across the room. Apply an aesthetic. BRING THIS TO EVERY CLASS SESSION ALL SEMESTER.
- Start a design notebook. Carry it with you always. Continually doodle in it, sketch details of design that catch your eye, practice shading and rendering etc.
- Read syllabus, either hardcopy or online (AesDes.org). Return signed hardcopy syllabus agreement in class Wednesday January 22.
- Complete the AesDes Perception Survey by midnight Wednesday January 22! You will receive an email invitation from Qualtrics with a link. You may opt out of the survey without penalty, but you must send an email to the TA to do so.
- Join the class Slack workspace by midnight Wednesday Jan 22. You’ll get an email invitation.
- Post to the Slack channel (#worktrade) a short statement of your skills and resources that you are willing to share. Also state your aspirations. Every student is expected to contribute at least 5 hours outside of class to help other students with their projects this semester. This Slack list will let everybody know who and what is available. Use this channel to ask for help, or directly contact a student who has a resource you can use. Plan to teach your skill, rather than expecting to just do whatever. Whenever you help another student, announce this on the #worktrade channel (so Behruz can track it), and restate your skills and time available. Don’t ignore common skills such as steady hands, a car for transport, or access to a free washing machine. Due Weds 1/22 at midnight.
- Complete your login on the course website, AesDes.org, which will allow you to post to the blogs. That’s right, you’ll get an email invitation for this too. Upload an image for your profile. Contact Behruz on Slack if you have trouble with your login. Posts and critiques are due every week. Your first required blog post is described below. Please read my post on Blog and Comments policies.
- Blog Post #1: Explore an aesthetic. We will go over the definition and examples in class, but keep this assignment in mind. For your first blog post, identify an aesthetic, include at least 6 images and/or videos illustrating it, and discuss the context a bit. When was it created? Who were the big players? What influenced it? What has it influenced since then? Be sure to find the original authors of your images and videos, and provide citations for all your information sources. This blog post will be due at midnight Jan 22. Be sure to categorize your post as ‘Aesthetic Explorations 2020’. Aim for around 500 words in length.
- Critiques on Blog Post #1 will be due Sunday Jan 26 at midnight. Respond to comments on your post by Tuesday Jan 28 midnight. Details: Blog and Comments policies
- Upcycle Project. This will be your individual warm-up project. Create an artifact that conforms to an aesthetic, either the aesthetic you researched, or one that someone else in class posted about. Upcycle means that your artifact should be constructed of inexpensive or recycled material, something easy to manipulate using additive or subtractive techniques: cardboard (can be laser cut), foam core, drywall, sticks, plastic forks or plates, soda cans/bottles, Legos, bubblewrap or packing peanuts, stir sticks, straw, hay, cloth, papier Mache, tires, DVDs, PVC, food, plastic bags etc. Try to avoid buying new materials. (A hint: repetition is a common component of many artworks, so for example, if you use rubber bands, use a lot of rubber bands). You’ll be asked to document your design and construction process, so keep track of where you find inspiration. In particular, if you use an existing design you must document the source, but hopefully you will use this opportunity to create something new. Your artifact should be of moderate size, something between 0.5 and 8 cubic feet; can be small but must be viewable without a microscope, or up to as large as a chair. Plan to bring it to class for a short in-class presentations during the week of Feb 10, and a formal report will be due as a blog post Weds Feb 12.
- Main Project. Deciding on your main project has been called the hardest part of this course, so don’t wait. You can get started on it right away. You can make anything you want, as long as it has some sort of dynamic component; a moving part or something that changes with time. You are expected to pay for the materials (cost at least equivalent to a hardcopy textbook, say $150) and the project is yours to keep at the end of the semester.
Initial Assignments
Jean Hertzberghttp://jeanbizhertzberg.com
I am the instructor and designer of Aesthetics of Design, and Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Colorado Boulder.
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This Year’s Students
Abby Rindfuss
Adam Hosburgh
Airyl Dayrit
Alex Jessop
Xander Johnson
Allister James Sequeira
Annie Cai
Andrew Chamberlain
Anjali Shadija
Anthony Makuch
Andrea Marks
Anthony Papaianache
Andrew Perper
Andrew Widner
Ariana Ramirez
Arjun Ramachandran
Arden Villanueva
Ayesha Rawal
Ben Erickson
Ben Harming
Ben Haley
Brian Ahn
Bryce Johnson
Bryan Moreno Najera
Brenton Yu
Cason Lane
Cecelia Shoenfeld
Chris Adami-Sampson
Chrisanna Bertuccio
Witt Young
Claire Markus
Clemens Pacher-Theinburg
Cooper Kramis
Cole Romig
Cole Sites
Cort Sommer
Daniel Carranza Valenzuela
DawnMonique Cantu
Seth Strayer
Danny Vesselovskii
David Whisnant
Delos Ashcraft
Dev Mahajan
Ellyse Jensen
Elise Johnson
Eli Skelly
Eric Fiechtner
Evan McCleary
Francine Palmos
Garrett Jimenez
Garrison Nazare
Rauba, Grady
Reilly, Greg
Grant Thompson
Isaiah Straubel
Jamie Blanco
Jacob Foley
Jack Franz
Jacob Krajnik
James Overberg
Jaks Praeger
Jax Whitham
Jessica Vo
Joe Yoder
Jules Fischer-White
Kalin Myers
Keith Hemenway
Kyle Chinn
Lia Cucuzzella
Lindsey Trussell
Luke Gordon
Matt Bloomfield
Matthew Cumpton
Mateo Esteve
Matt Sherman
Max Van Cleave
Max Williams
Mila Bergmann-Ruzicka
Min Than
Mia Winstead
Nile Brown
Nita Byati
Nick Rios
Pisay Suzuki
Robert Forstbauer
Rystan Qualls
Sam Nicastro
Scott Ehrlich
Seth Dry
Sean Ostrander
Senayt Wolde
Shreya Pradeep Sekar
Sofia Fernandez
Sylvia Robles
Tay Cummins
Tanmay Mhatre
Taylor Wittwer
Thomas Brentano
Tyler L'hotta
Tyler Lloyd
Zoe Cooper
Sammie Duran
Jean Hertzberg
Student Test
1 Comment. Leave new
[…] In our first class meeting (Monday 1/13/20) we started with the Strandbeest bicycle video and did a little critique of it. The walking mechanism was derived from Theo Jansen’s work. Then we went over the syllabus and the initial assignments. […]