Week Monday Wednesday Friday
1 Jan 13 Syllabus, First assignments: Catme, blog, survey, then aesthetic, upcycle artifact Definitions of art Definitions of Aesthetics
2 Jan 20 No class, MLK day

Aesthetics tour (lecture 04)

Syllabus agreement due in class. Slack signup and AesDes Perception Survey due at midnight.

Blog post 1 due: Aesthetic Explorations

Sketching exercise,

Aesthetics tour 3


Jan 27 Ideation and Design process


Design process sketches
Blog 2 due: Upcycle Inspiration
Upcycle presentation specs and presentation critique process

Feb 3

Guest lecture: Greg Whiting: The Aesthetics Game

Guest lecture: Hope Saska, CU Art Museum “20th Century Art, Science and Design”

Blog 3: Upcycle progress

Guest lecture: John Bacus “Why Sketch?” Homework sketching assignment.

Feb 10

Guest Lecture: John Bacus. Homework critique

Upcycle Presentations 1, attendance required

Blog 4: Upcycle final report

Contour Bias
6 Feb 17 : Upcycle Presentations, attendance required

Upcycle Presentations 3

Blog 5: Main project inspirations: What Will It Be?

Supernormal Stimuli

Feb 24

Guest lecture (attendance required) Kate Goodman: Neuroscience of Learning



Blog 6: Main project aesthetics – plans and alternatives

20th Century Design Timeline 1

March 2

Timeline: Arts and Crafts,

And Sketching

Timeline: Gothic review, then Arts and Crafts.

Blog 7: What are your top 5 constraints? Aesthetics should be one of them.

Timeline: Aesthetic Movement and Art Nouveau

and sketching? Shade and Shadow


March 9

Design Review Presentations, attendance required

Design Review Presentations: attendance required

Blog 8: Design Review Report 1; detailed plans required. Show sketches, CAD if you have any. Be sure to describe your aesthetic and how your design expresses it.

No guest lecture. Regular; Bauhaus and Beyond, then CLIP

March 16

Design Review Presentations, attendance required

Design Review Presentations? If so, attendance required. Otherwise Timeline: Modern Movements

Blog 9: Design Review 2: Timeline and Logistics

Modern Design Movements


11 March 23 Break Break Break

March 30

Art Deco, Streamlining, Mid-Century Modern

Pop Art to Post- Modern

Sketching Cylinders

Blog 10: Favorite Youtube  design/build videos

Aesthetics Game Redux: Engagement with Timeline

UPD: Anthropomorphic effects,


April 6

Aesthetics Game review

Stuff and Color. UPD: Color physics and perception, White, Black and Red Effect



Stuff and Color. White, Black and Red Effects

Blog 11: Your Aesthetic Roots.

UPD: Color physics, color spaces and color perception, UPD: Geometric Aesthetics



April 13

Anthropomorphic effects


Case Study: Chairs; Thonet to Bauhaus to Eames

Blog12: Construction update


Case Study: The Chair. The Eames lounge chair. The Ubiquitous Monoblock. Other current chair designs


April 20 Final Presentations to Pod, same pods as for design review. Attendance required. Post a video or link to video of your presentation attached to this week’s blog post.

Your artifact should be done. You can bring it to your pod presentation, or show a video of it.

Final Presentations to Pod, attendance required

Blog13 : Final Project Report Part 1: What and How. Overall description and photos, then details of what you have made: CAD drawings, fabrication description, costs vs budget, etc.


Last Lecture: Current Designers
16 April 27 Final Presentations to Pod, same pods as for design review. Attendance required

Final Presentations to Pod. Attendance required. Last day of class.

Blog: Final Project Report Part 2: Why and What Next? Reflection on the semester. Compare your original project intent to what you ended up with. What did you learn from your project, and from the class? What will you do next with the project? What do you wish you had done differently?




Final show/party as a Zoom event, 7:30-10 pm during our scheduled final exam time. During your pod’s scheduled time you will host a Zoom room to show off your design. You can choose to give a short presentation a few times, or just show your design/object and have folks ask questions.  Invite friends and family.

‘Summing Up 2020’ post at midnight: Give a summary of your work for the semester, and provide links to all of your previous posts. This is the link/post to put in your resume and on your website, so show off what you’ve done!

Critiques of Final Reports I and II, and your Ungrading Statement also due at midnight.

 Weds May 6, 5 pm.

Final revisions due. You are welcome to update any posts from the semester, and submit any missed critiques/comments. Exit Survey also due.

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