Summing Up 2019

In this semester I have learned a lot of aethestics design knowledge and had lots of fun. The two projects I did are the: Upcycle Project and Final Project. For the upccycle project I modified a old motorcycle helmet with a Japanese cartoon theme. For the Final project I made my own wall clock. I think this semester was very inspirational to me because it pushed me to put what’s in my mind to reality. I also learned some hands-on skills such as how to use the laser cutter. I have included the links to all my posts this semester done below, feel free to take a peek, thanks!

Upcycle Inspiration

Upcycle Final Report: helmet…l-aspirations-12/

Main Project Inspirations

Top 5 constraints…hy-and-what-next/…diver-wall-clock/

Final Stretch Progress: Wall Clock

Construction Timeline: wall clock…sign-movements-5/…style-wall-clock/