Arcade Construction Timeline

So far, I have recently finished the overall design of the arcade outside case. I have also programmed the arduino to play the Galaga theme song at the push of a button. There is still a lot of work to be done to finish this project.

Having finished the overall design of the case I was able to lay it out flat, to see how much space it would take up, and how much acrylic I would need to buy:

Knowing this I can now move forward with the rest of the construction of the final product.

4/4 – Purchase Acrylic
4/5 – Laser Cut the pieces
4/5 – 4/7 Plan the outer paint job, and acquire paints
4/8 – 4/12 Finish programming the Arduino with a light pattern, do any soldering necessary to fit all the components
4/8 – 4/15 Work on the painting, and permanently fitting the pieces together
4/15 – 4/20 Finalize any remaining details

With this Schedule, the project will stay manageable and be able to be completed by the end of the semester.

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Construction Timeline: Bauhaus Shelf
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Construction Timeline: Beer Tap Handle

3 Comments. Leave new

  • Danielle Glanville
    April 5, 2019 1:44 pm

    Hi Max! Really good work so far, it is clear you have put in a good amount of thought to your timeline. The only thing I would suggest is padding your timeline with some redesign time in case something does not go according to plan, if you haven’t already. Good luck!

  • I was wondering the same thing as Jared, what’s the size of the arcade? It is a very cool project and your construction timeline is very clear. Good luck on the project

  • Jared Campbell
    April 3, 2019 1:02 pm

    How much space did you determine it would take up? It’s nice that you already have the electronics working. Hopefully you can stay on schedule!


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