Design Comparison: 20th Century Movements

I was really interested when the 20th century movements were introduced and explained in class. I have never analyzed an aesthetic based on where it lies on the 20th century movement timeline. Although I do not fully understand all the movements, I think I know well enough about some (or most) of them to compare them to my design.

Reminder of Design Intent:
The idea behind this project is to recreate a dreamcatcher and design it in such a way where a string of LED lights replaces the web.

I found that the 20th century movements featured both minimalism (left picture) and memphis (right picture).

Although my final image of this project involves both those styles/movements, I would say that my project will lean more towards the “Organic Design” movement as an aesthetic. I want to try my best to use wood or at least a biodegradable material for the frame.


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3 Comments. Leave new

  • Brandon Smith
    May 2, 2019 1:17 pm

    Hey Hussam I really like your idea and it’ll be interesting to see the dreamcatcher aesthetic combine with the LED aesthetic. Could you possibly control the brightness of the LEDs? Overall i’m excited to see your final project.

  • Joseph Coulombe
    April 12, 2019 9:56 am

    Using wood to create a dreamcatcher isn’t as difficult as you might think. You just need to find the perfect branch that has enough flexibility to bend and begin winding it with a material of your choosing so it can keep shape, something simple like yarn could even do the trick.

  • Joshua Engmorris
    April 3, 2019 1:07 pm

    Hussam, I like the idea of used LEDs to make a dream catcher. It’s a cool twist on an object that generally has the same appearance. I also like your use of organic design in this project.


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