Current vs 20th Century Design Movements

My final project consists of turning an unused old iPad 2 into a portable hand held smart mirror. This smart mirror will present me with important information such as daily news, weather, sports scores, and personal notifications. The aesthetic I had in mind for this project was a sleek futuristic aesthetic that mimics ‘smart mirrors’ displayed in sci-fi movies and TV shows where characters use a reflective screen for numerous functions. I would most compare my idea for the aesthetic of my final product to resemble retrofuturism, which was a movement in the 20th century that represented art in the present with a more futuristic look. Three other aesthetics I could cast my project into are minimalist, post modernist, and bauhaus.

Under a minimalist aesthetic, my final project would use as little materials as possible with no fashionable ornamentation. I do not this aesthetic for my project because this aesthetic will take away from what I am trying to accomplish with my project.

A post modernist would consist of staying away from hard straight lines and edges. It would encourage wavy lines and shapes with many different colors incorporated. As I think this would be an interesting aesthetic for my project, I think it would be unpractical and add a lot more time in my project.

With a bauhaus aesthetic, I would be trying to use bland colors and avoiding additional decorations that would draw one’s attention from the main purpose of the project. This is my least favorite aesthetic for this project because I want to stain the wood frame and engrave words or logos into it. I also want to draw attention away from the fact that its main purpose is being a mirror since it will have all these cool additional features.


Image Credit: Alex Repty

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