Main Project Inspirations

My inspiration for the main project came with I was shopping for some tools in Michaels, I saw a quartz clock movement on the shelf. I was very excited to discover this item because I can design my own clock and use it to power the hands. I found another movement that’s similar to the one I saw in Michael’s, shown below:



There are many DIY clocks on the internet, below are two examples:




For my clock design I’d like to go with something that incorporate the minimalism aesthetic style. For the hour markers I think I need to find some interesting material that plays with light. Or maybe I can 3D print the parts I need.

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4 Comments. Leave new

  • […] Main Project Inspirations […]

  • Peilin Yang
    March 3, 2019 8:24 pm

    I like you aesthetic style. It seems to be a kind of the Bauhaus. Concise outlike with function-driven arrangement of design characters presents your project in a decent way.

  • Danielle Glanville
    March 1, 2019 1:03 pm

    Hi Shen! I really like this idea and think that your product and aesthetic will really compliment each other. The minimalist aesthetic will look nice with the clock! You could try something that glows maybe for the tick marks or actual hands to get that light aspect!

  • Taylor Whittemore
    February 27, 2019 3:57 pm

    I really like this idea. I think that making the hands of the clock out of an interesting material, or making them a certain shape is a really good idea that could add to your aesthetic. I also think that adding something like those weights that hang off of a clock would also add a cool flair to the project.

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