Skills and Aspirations: Andrew Oliver

My skill set relates mostly to my engineering background. As a Mechanical Engineer with a Computer Science minor, I have experience with milling, 3D printing, electronics, coding, laser cutting and modeling in SolidWorks. I work as a research assistant in a robotics lab, where I have refined my electronics and coding skills. I have a learned how to work with Raspberry Pi’s and Arduino’s, and have further developed my knowledge of Python. I have also spent a lot of time in this lab prototyping in SolidWorks, laser cutting plastic and cardboard and 3D printing to create working prototypes. I feel that these skills in particular will be very useful for our final project. I have experience milling metal and plastics, and I am fairly good at working with hand tools and woodworking in general. I am also very familiar with HTML, linux, and C++.

Ultrasonic robot I built and tested
Prototype clamping method

My career goals are somewhat fuzzy at this time, but I will either end up in a startup environment doing integrated product design or I will end up working in the defense industry doing Aerospace Engineer, either as a structures engineer, a systems engineer or a test engineer. Most of my passion lies in Computer Science, and I would love a career where I can combine my background in Mechanical Engineering with my passion for computer science.

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Skill Sets and Personal Aspirations

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Hi Andrew,
    I’m glad to hear that you, like Aziz, are familiar with arduinos and raspberry pis. I’m currently in a class that uses arduinos heavily, and would love to be able to use that skill in this class. If I have questions I know who I can ask. In the future, If you would like more help with Rhino or graphic design with any of your projects, let me know and I can try to answer your questions. With the skills you have, I’m sure you will find your way in the future. Best of luck!

  • Danielle Glanville
    February 22, 2019 1:05 pm

    Hello Andrew! You definitely have a strong computer science background so it makes sense that that is what you are passionate about and want to ultimately end up doing. It’s also very relatable not knowing what you want to do after graduation, but I think it’s nice to know a lot of people are in the same position.


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