Skill Sets and Personal Aspirations

Similar to many of the other posts for tonight, many of my skills revolve around the Mechanical Engineering curriculum here at CU Boulder. As a senior, I have many diverse skills ranging from classes like Thermodynamics and Fluids to specific things like CAD and manufacturing. Despite having experience in these areas, I find that I show the most strength in Thermodynamics and CAD. I really enjoy the design possibilities that both subjects offer. While Thermo can be implemented to design efficient systems and power cycles, CAD can be used to design almost any part or assembly imaginable. In my opinion, the combination of these two provides a strong platform in which engineering can truly improve the world. With that said, however, there are a number of skills that I am not particularly good at. These includes using 3D printers, setting up and dealing with circuits and electronics, and programming.

In terms of my career aspirations, I have always been very passionate about cars. My family owns 12 cars and I have been working on them with my dad since I was 5. Using the skills that I have gained from my time here, I am hoping to work in the automotive industry as a design or systems engineer. I want to be involved in developing more efficient and better developed vehicles.

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Skill sets and personal aspirations 2019
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Skill Sets & Personal Aspirations

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Chris Mcfadden
    March 8, 2019 3:01 pm

    Wow that’s a lot of cars! My stepdad is a car nut just like you (he works for Toyota). I myself have always been more interested the mechanics more than the form of them. But there is something about them when you hit the gas that awakens something primal inside you. Any car company in particular that you would like to work for?

  • There are many skills that your time in the Mechanical Engineering department has allowed you to learn, which will help with this upcoming project. How do you hope that this class and project will help you on the path to your career aspirations?


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