Student Work

UpCycle Inspiration: Bright Board 2.0

My initial thought process for my project started with me looking around my room for something that I could re purpose into a cool design. I definitely wanted to focus on the design over the function for this project so that gave me the liberty to make just about anything. I am currently working on a cracked and broken longboard that I will be adding lights to in place of the wheels. I will also be re purposing shards of glass from a broken mirror that I have recently cleaned up to embed into the board itself creating a puzzle piece like mirror in between the lights. I am considering a few other add-ons as I move further into the construction.

This first image inspired me to involve skateboards to begin with. I was not sure where to start but I have always loved seeing the ways that people have used their skateboards to create some amazing art. The picture features multiple boards used to create an artistic image on the wall. I will not be using more than one board but I do plan to attach it to a wall as a wall mount.

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This is another creation that I pondered in my design process. This image features a bench created using all of the pieces that makeup a functional skateboard. I really liked the unique way that the wheels were incorporated into the design in contrast with the image I used above. The wheel aspect of a board is almost never considered in these projects.

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This image utilizes the wheels as lights themselves. This is an idea I have known about in the past but not for a design idea. These wheels are commonly used for riding in style or even at night time. Basically these wheels can be bought with embedded LEDs that allow you to ride around with light up wheels. These would not be bright enough for any sort of display so I plan on replacing the trucks and the wheels with lightbulbs.

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This image shows where my mind has wandered in the past. My freshman year was a big year for me and skateboards when I created the “Bright Board”. This started as a board that was different because there were lights that ran along the edges and lit the path ahead while riding. This light based concept was later scrapped for a more traditional electric skateboard project that relied on motors rather than lights.

Photo Credit: Engineering Projects 2017

This was a huge inspiration as the lightbulbs are very closely utilized in a way that I find incredibly aesthetically pleasing. The board is mounted and lit up in multiple spots with lightbulbs. I thought this was a very cool concept. My project has been done before by other people but I will be adding my own aesthetic and style to the project. Adding lights has been done before. Adding a mirror has been done before. But combining these aspects (as well as a clock if materials permit) has not been done before and I don’t really understand why. Maybe I will find out soon as I start the hands-on portion of the project. I do think it will be tricky but I do have previous work to consider and inspire throughout.

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