A lot of my project so far has consisted of paying more attention to my surrounds and available material. We have a program at my work where we take the hard to recycle materials and bring it to the CHARM facility here in Boulder. Because of this, I’m currently loaded with charger cables, plastic bags, and scrap metal. I also have a some clothing to donate, so I may try to recycle that into a bag. My friend has an illness where he goes through dozens of pill bottles a year so we’re full of those.
In the beginning, I realized that I wanted to make something of utility so it doesn’t just sit in my room with no purpose. I made a list of things I need, materials I have, and potential ideas for used of those materials. I’m going to be moving into the refinement period where I sketch more ideas and then choose a few that I want to pursue further. From there, I will choose one to pursue.
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Since you have some clothing, I think it is a good idea to make unwanted clothes into good ones.