Week Monday Wednesday Friday
1 Jan 16 MLK day, no class Syllabus,

First assignments: Catme, blog, survey, then aesthetic, upcycle artifact

Art History intro.

Definition of Aesthetics

2 Jan 23 Upcycle examples,

Aesthetics Tour 1

Aesthetics tour 2

Critique introduction

Blog post 1 due: Aesthetic Explorations

Sketching exercise,

Aesthetics tour 3

3 Jan 30 Design process, Design Loop graphics.


Sketching: perspective and cubes. Teamwork.
Blog 2 due: Upcycle progress
Meet your team

Upcycle update to team


4 Feb 6

Sketching, Aesthetics Game

 Guest Lecture: Zack Weaver

Blog 3: Design Loop Reality

 Universal Principles of Design (UPD): Supernormal Stimuli
5 Feb 13

Upcycle presentations

Upcycle Presentations

Blog 4: Upcycle final report

Upcycle Presentations
6 Feb 20 : Sketching and White Effects


20th Century Design Timeline 1 and sketching

Blog 5: Skill sets and personal aspirations

Guest Lecture: Adam Agee
7 Feb 27

Ideation Workshop


20th Century Design Timeline 2 and sketching

Blog 6: Main project inspirations

 March 3: 20th Century Design Timeline 3: Bauhaus and Beyond. And Sketching
8 March 6

Timeline: Art Deco to Organic

and sketching

Timeline: Streamlining to Post Modern

and sketching. Ovals!

Blog: What are your top 5 constraints? Aesthetics should be one of them.

Guest Lecture

Korkut Onaran

9 March 13

Design Review Presentations

Design Review Presentations

Blog: Design Review Report; synthesize posts into summary document

Design Review Presentations


10 March 20

Aesthetics Game Redux: Engagement with Timeline

UPD: Color physics and perception, White, Black and Red Effects

Blog: What are your current project aesthetics compared to 20th Century design movements? Also, cast your project into 3 other wildly different aesthetics; illustrate with annotated sketches at least.


11 March 27 Break Break Break
12 April 4

UPD: Anthropomorphic effects

Geometric Aesthetics UPD: symmetry, thirds, Fibonacci, Golden Ratio

Blog: Construction timeline

Golden Ratio
13 April 10

Case Study: The Chair. Furniture timeline. The Eames Lounge chair

Case Study: The Chair. The Eames lounge chair. The Ubiquitous Monoblock. Other current chair designs

Blog: Main Project Final Stretch Progress

Current designers: Philippe Starck, Ross Lovegrove, Karim Rachid, Yves Behar, Martha Stewart, Horacio Pagani

Registration for Expo due?

14 April 17

Current designers: Steve Jobs and Jonny Ives


Design award winners

Blog: None

Project/ Team Time. Prof. H available for consultations.


15 April 24 Final Presentations to Pod, same pods as for design review. Post a video or link to video of your presentation attached to this week’s blog post. Final Presentations to Pod

Blog: Final Project Report: What and How. Overall description and photos, then details of what you have made: CAD drawings, fabrication description, costs vs budget, etc.

Final Presentations to Pod/ Party

ITLL Expo Saturday April 29

16 May 1 Final Presentations to Pod, same pods as for design review. Post a video or link to video of your presentation attached to this week’s blog post. Final Presentations to Pod


Blog: Final Project Report Continued: Why and What next? Reflection on the semester. Compare your original project intent to what you ended up with. How did the public react? What did you learn from your project, and from the class? What will you do next with the project? What do you wish you had done differently?

Final Presentations to Pod/ Party
17 May 7 (Sunday) Critiques of final reports due  Weds May 10

Final revisions due



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