Pizza Bed Stand: Main Project Report Part 2

I built the pizza bed stand so that my pillows wouldn’t fall off my bed any more (further detailed in my last blog post). But I also built the bed stand for my self. I wanted to make a cool piece of furniture that looked totally rad. And I think I did that.

At expo last Saturday I got some self validation from the public. Some people just kind of enjoyed the bed stand but I had a few other pizza enthusiasts come by who loved it. It was really exciting to find random strangers who were just as excited about the pizza furniture as I was! Some folks even opened my eyes to the fact that the cavity of the pizza stand is about the perfect size for a slice of pizza from Cosmos. This means that I could even store pizza in the pizza bed stand – genius.

Having the public enjoy my furniture but I was also glad that I was able to achieve my intent. I think I totally captured the pizza theme with the post modern aesthetic. The simple decorations really made the cheese and pepperoni pop. The bright colors brought the little pizza’s on the side to life. And the dark varnish gives off the feeling that yes, this furniture is well made.

That being said, there is certainly some room for improvement. The legs didn’t totally meet the standards I had originally set. Although they look like bread sticks some what I have future plans to make them even better. I plan on etching, or cutting out, some triangular slit things in them so that the legs really look like cooked dough. I could even add a really light stain to the back half of the legs so that side looks like the bottom of the cooked bread stick that would have been lying in the oven.

Structurally the legs could use some work too. Right now they are a little bit wobbly and not as stable as I would like. To fix this I have a few options: 1) Reinforce the legs with some kind of bar or structural support or 2) Add wood glue to the leg-cavity interface. I think I’ll stave off from option 1 because having extra bars around the legs could ruin or detract from the aesthetic I have worked so hard to achieve. Option 2 is more reasonable. If I add would glue around the rim of each of the legs they would be more supported, locked in place, and the glue would be hidden so as to not take away from the pizza-post modern aesthetic.

Well folks, that’s my last blog post for the pizza bed stand…..for now. But stay tuned. One day you might see some sweet bread stick legs on this bad boy and maybe I’ll even write about how well this thing stores individual pizza slices.

Til then, this is the man behind the pizza bed stand signing off. Over and out.

4 Comments. Leave new

  • Maxfield Scrimgeour
    May 9, 2017 7:33 pm

    Your project came out really well and i think that you made some insightful statements when considering the future work which should be associated with the project if you were to do it again. I think that you could entirely beef up the legs and make sure that they are sturdy enough to suit your needs. overall nice work on your project and it is cool to see how much you learned throughout the experience.

  • Scott Lowenstein
    May 3, 2017 9:17 pm

    I think your project came out looking great! I like your ideas for redesigning the legs, and I would love to have one of these in my house too! This was a great idea, and I look forward to seeing what else you come up with!

  • Ryan Daniel
    May 2, 2017 5:41 pm

    Your future additions to the pizza stand are great and I hope you have time in the future to complete them. Using your nightstand to hold a slice of pizza is like pizza inception and definitely needs to happen. I really like the post modern aesthetic you achieved by painting your own slices (and a smiley face). You should scale these tables up and try to sell them to local pizza joints, they would really fit in perfectly there.

  • Tori Herfert
    May 2, 2017 3:21 pm

    Sasha, I think you did a great job on your project. You have worked very hard on the different parts of it and making it move correctly so for that I amend you. I thought it looked great at the Expo and it surely got lots of attention. I also thought that the paint job you did with the different pizzas was great and the different colors you used turned out great. Can you really fit a piece of pizza in it? I would definitely use this in my room if you made a surplus of them!

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bed, final, pizza, reflection, report, stand
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Pizza Bed Stand: Main Project Report Part 1
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Main Project Final Report Part 2: Lazy Susan by Tori Herfert