After some thought I have come to the conclusion that my jewelry box will not be as easy to build as I previously thought. Here is a list of 5 constraints I will have to consider while constructing my box:

  1. Time: Although we do have a number of weeks to work on and finish the project, other classes will start to pick up as well, and my procrastination often plays a huge part in my last month of classes. That being said, I need to make sure to set a strict timeline that will allow me to finish the jewelry box without getting stressed out.
  2. CAD: In order to ensure a smooth building process, I will need to build the box on some computer aided design before manufacturing. This will allow me to know the exact dimensions of the final product along with how to cut each part before the assembly begins.
  3. Money: Although I do want the box to look as nice as possible, I do not have the income to buy very expensive materials. I must also consider that messing up is a possibility so I will need to save a little money just in case I need to buy more material.
  4. Assembly: This kind of ties into the time constraint, but assembly will take a long time and must be accounted for before it is too late. In order to assemble the box there will be a significant amount of time needed for the glue to dry before moving onto the next part. Should not be a problem as long as I remember it will take a little while to assemble.
  5. Aesthetic: My last constraint is the aesthetic of the box. I need the box to fit into a particular set of requirements previously set by my aesthetic goals. These goals include an antique look (sharp corners and and older styled handle) and walnut finish (my mothers favorite type of wood).

With all these constraints set in place I am excited to start the box and see how the process goes. With these in mind it should be a smooth transition from setting a timeline to finishing the box.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Dean Alibrandi
    April 19, 2017 1:31 pm

    Jimmy these are certainly some important constraints to consider. I think using glue to assemble all of the pieces of your box is very smart and much cleaner than using screws. Also for fulfilling your aesthetic check out some antique stores around boulder or even places like potterybarn or anthropologie for older looking handles you can add to your box. Good luck!

  • Marcus Gurule
    April 18, 2017 7:40 pm

    I often find that when I am creating my project in CAD software that it helps bring out potential problems that may arise when manufacturing/assembling. I think that this will help you down the road when you have less time and solutions may cost a little more money. I think that you have thought of the five major things that will cause the project to not be completed on time.


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