Construction Timeline

For my project, I am building a dummy roping calf out of PVC pipe. I haven’t constructed things out of PVC pipe before, but I think I will be able to get the hang of it pretty quick. However, I would say that working with it is a known unknown. I’m sure I will run in to some obstacles when learning the best way to put things together. The other important part of my project will be the paint. I’m not an expert painter, but it is certainly something I can handle. It will not require too much volume of paint, so it shouldn’t take unnecessarily long to do. I have alloted work for four weeks until expo. My planned timeline is as follows:


Week 1: Build structure out of PVC

Week 2: Paint and clean up rough edges

Week 3: Extra time for everything to take longer

Week 4: Finish anything not done, prepare presentation.

I made sure to leave extra time for everything taking longer than planned, as well as planned time to work on the presentation and write-up.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Morgan Ulrich
    May 10, 2017 11:38 am

    Great job observing the “magic rule of 7” in your Week 3 timeline. Giving yourself plenty of time to do a good job on a project is important.

  • Ryan Forsyth
    April 24, 2017 9:36 pm

    How did everything go? Did it match well with your projected timeline? I know PVC is not very hard to work with and is pretty cheap and easy to get ahold of, but one false cut could make a piece unusable (I have done many projects where I have planned to use one long piece of PVC for several members of a specified length, and I have put a cut in the wrong place, which messes up the lengths of all the others on the PVC). This is not a huge setback, but a miscut can certainly be a hassle. Its good to see you have extra time built in even with a seemingly simple build like this.

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