I project that this entire project will take me about a week to finish, and so I have decided I will probably be doing it this week since finals are quickly approaching I think it will be best to get this done earlier so that if I need to make changes there is plenty of time to do so.


  1. Decide on the final style of top plate I will be using for my main part of the lazy susan.
  2. Once I have decided, I will carve out the design I want on the lazy susan.  I am almost positive I am going to go with the circular cut out design, because I want everything to fit and there is a chance if I go with the other cut design it will have different elevations and won’t work properly.
  3. Next, I will stain the wood with the stain I bought from Home Depot.  I bought a very pretty OAK color stain, but I may want to do more than one coat to make it nice and dark.
  4. After staining the wood, I will sketch out flower designs to paint on top of it.  I have not for sure decided if I am going to do this yet, because I am not a great artist and I do not know if it will turn out great.  I contemplated doing laser cutter outlines of flowers, but this would increase the amount of unsteady levels which would make it harder to put more sauces and spices on it.
  5. Next, I bought a bucket that I want to place in the center or on the side of the lazy susan so I need to figure out where to place that.
  6. Lastly, I will attach the wood to the spinning piece I bought from a spice section in Target.  I have not tested if this works yet, but it spins at a pretty smooth and pleasing pace.
  7. Decorate with sauces and spices!
Days Needed Per Task

This whole thing should take me about a week, maybe less, but I am assuming there will be error involved and I may have to redo a couple things. After making the chart, it is clear it will take me a week.

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Connor Swanson
    April 3, 2017 5:13 pm

    Sounds like you have all the steps ready to go already. I might suggest adding dates to everything so you can make sure you don’t end having to complete all of these steps in a few days. It might also be helpful to experiment with the staining ahead of time. Would hate to see it not work out as planned. Good luck!


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