Design Review: Snowboard Cup Holder Prototype

For my final project, I will be making a cup holder that attaches to my snowboard. I have several ideas for what I want it to function and look like in the end, but that comes with some constraints.

My first constraint is what materials to use for the cup holder. I would like the material to be made of stainless steel so it won’t rust as I take it snowboarding, and this stainless steel toothbrush holder will do the trick for this project.

My second constraint is how to attach the cup holder to the snowboard. I need to be able to attach the cup holder to the snowboard in a way that doesn’t ruin the cup holder or snowboard. Some ideas include using the same adhesive that is used in attaching a stomp pad to the board or fastening it to the board with screws that fit into the channel inserts on the board, shown below.

My third constraint is what aesthetic to choose. Since the cup holder will be made of metal, I had an idea of using the ‘modern’ aesthetic but now I am going with the fire aesthetic, shown below, that will contrast nicely with the snow.

My fourth constraint is going to be the limited amount space on the snowboard. I want to mount the cup holder in a place where it won’t be in the way when I am snowboarding but also in a relatively easy spot for using. This could be between the snowboard bindings but closer to the front foot, or behind the back foot completely out of the way.


My fifth constraint is how to make it dynamic. Some ideas include having the cup holder spin on the board, attaching a lid to the cup holder, or attaching fins or cut-out flames to the sides so they flap in the wind as I ride. Below are some concept sketches.

The materials used in this project will include my snowboard, a set of channel insert screws, a stainless-steel toothbrush holder, and a durable yet flexible plastic. The diameter of the cup holder will be standard to that of a soda can so only cans that size will be able to fit inside. Having the cup holder attached to the board will allow the can to become chilled when snow builds up against it as I ride down the mountain. Ultimately, this project will enhance my snowboarding experience while providing a “hot” aesthetic, which is what I set out to do.

8 Comments. Leave new

  • Maxfield Scrimgeour
    March 22, 2017 12:15 pm

    I really like this idea. it is so unique and something that definitely doesn’t exist out there! Do you think this will be an insulated design and will it be movable around the snowboard? I hope that it is sturdy enough to hold on and keep your drink in the cup holder over jumps and through some powder! it would be a total bummer to loose it!

  • Alexander Lien
    March 20, 2017 8:55 pm

    This idea is sick. The flames are key and make the project for me. Putting the cup holder somewhere such that it runs parallel to your ankle might be the best move. I’m hyped to see this final project and hopefully see it on hill!

  • This is a really fun idea! I’m imagining putting a cold beer (that’ll stay cold as you shred), then popping it open as you come out of the trees, jumping over some spectators with a stream of beer. The fire aesthetic will also make you appear faster than you really are, and it looks like it matches your board. To prevent things from falling out, would you incorporate a rubber grip inside that holds onto the content?

  • This is a pretty cool idea! I feel like snowboards are one of the best examples of a product where an aesthetic can really be showcased-every snowboard has its own graphics, often rather intracate. Perhaps you could make the cup holder to be the same aesthetic of your particular board.

  • Cupholder on a snowboard? That’s such a great idea! I like the flowing aesthetic too.
    Making sure the cup stays in there is definitely the biggest challenge, maybe some rubber interior? Or some straps?

  • Alexander Thompson
    March 13, 2017 5:29 pm

    What a cool project idea! This project has some series potential at being more than just an Aesthetics of Design project. And I like that you’re going to make a product that means something to you personally. The aesthetic that you’re thinking of going for is awesome too, putting flames on your cup holder to flap in the wind all the way down the mountain. My only suggestion would be to secure the bottle in there somehow so it doesn’t fall out on less skilled snowboarders, like myself. If you do that, like I said, this product could have some serious marketability. Either way, fantastic job making a prototype as a visual. I can’t wait to see where you go with the final product. Good luck!

  • Preston Marcoux
    March 13, 2017 12:42 pm

    Finally. This is perfect, I wish you were making it for skis too because I would buy that right away. This is a really cool idea and I think it could make for a really interesting concept and design. I can’t wait to see the flames too, awesome work.

  • Hunter Miller
    March 13, 2017 12:41 pm

    Awesome design. I think that some sort of restraint device to hold the soda so that it will stay in while your throwing down some mctwists in the pipe. Very cool and original idea. Are you going to insulate it so that it wont freeze while you are shedding the mountain? This might not be a problem but maybe something to think about!

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