Top 5 Constraints: Model Sailboat

The top 5 constraints I anticipate running into for this project are as follows:

Money: Model sailboats are not cheap. Between high-quality wood, paints, fittings, sails, display case, etc., the project could get costly fast. Money is not something I have much of these days, so I will try to find/upcycle/reuse as many of the necessary materials I can. prof. Hertzberg mentioned I could use an old fish tank as a display case, which would be perfect!

Time: I have 4 other engineering classes, and they all have considerable time demands, so I cannot spend time with reckless abandon on this project.

Expertise: Making a good model requires extreme precision, patience, and skill. I have a decent understanding of how to put together a model, but I will certainly use every resource I have (the internet, pod members, shop staff, etc.) to make sure my finished product is high quality.

Resources: Many of the tools I will need to make this model are only found in the machine and wood shops on campus. Towards the end of the semester, there shops will be swamped with people from other projects, and finding time to make my project will be harder.

Transportation/storage: If my project is as big (2ftx2ftx4ft) as I imagine, moving it and storing it will be a significant challenge. Perhaps there is somewhere in the ITLL (which is where I anticipate working on it most) that I can store it.


Cover photo from Model Boat Zone website,


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1 Comment. Leave new

  • Great project idea! I agree that it is very ambitious and could require a lot of time and money. Are there possibly not very expensive model pieces (like the sails and paint) that you could purchase online and focus your time in the shops to make the big design components? Our group can probably help with the fabrication too if the logistics of the shop schedule is difficult. Good luck!


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