My skill set is very similar to many other mechanical engineers. Basic Solidworks and machine shop experience. As far as unique skills, I am minoring in TAM so I have a solid base with a lot of design software and methods. Things like Rhino 3D, Photoshop, HTML, basic JAVA, Aftereffects, Illustrator, laser cutting, and 3D printing. I’ve taking more design focused classes than most Mechanical Engineers. I’ve also had a few jobs dealing with fixing things so I know quite a bit about plumbing and household repair.

As for aspirations, I really want to get into some sort of design when I graduate. Whether that be part design or architecture, I really don’t mind as long as I am able to apply myself to make something that doesn’t exist.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • It very interesting that you have knowledge in some areas that most engineers don’t. IE, photoshop, Rhino 3D, etc.? (would love to know more about this program) Im curios if graphic design might be an interest to you or if you like holding a part maybe industrial design might be a great path.

  • Jeremy Parsons
    February 26, 2017 5:50 pm

    Kyle, it is very interesting that you have chosen to pursue the TAM major and perhaps you can highlight this extra skill set when you are thinking about life after graduation. If you have any design interests now is the time to flesh them out and if you are truly happy just creating things, then you will be able to explore a wide array of fields. Perhaps this project can help you explore a design genre or technique you want to expand upon.


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