Design Loop Reality: Beer Can Hammer Man

For my upcycle project I used the design loop above. It started really with choosing a material and then using the internet to find inspiration and ideas about what I wanted to make. Once I knew I wanted to make some type of statue, I began sketching it out using the “beer cans” I chose as my recycled medium. This gave me the idea that I could create 80% of the statue completely out of cans if I could successfully cut the cans at different angles to creates curves and bends. Once I had it roughly sketched out, I began cutting cans using pliers and a dremel. I discovered that it was possible to create the angles I sketched out without too much difficulty so at that point I knew I needed to refine my sketches because the design seemed feasible. I then began building and got pretty far day one…

I am still in the building phase and I am on track to delivering a promising result so I should be able to finish the design.

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1 Comment. Leave new

  • Jake Silverman
    May 10, 2017 11:42 pm

    Very cool idea and it seems like you put a good amount of thought it and I am excited to see how it came out


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