The “Electric” Hourglass: Final Report pt.2

Why and What’s Next?

Much of my intention for this class was to construct pieces which were art in themselves. While, the electric hourglass does not function to serve any purpose other than visual art, I believe it conjures an interesting aesthetic space. The design is far-fetched in nature but provides depth for further contemplation. I hope that people approach this design as they would a sculpture in a museum. By introducing a completely new theme to the age-old timepiece, I would like to open up discussion on the role of time in our lives and how we interact with it. Are we living in the moment, are we slave to time, are we in constant aspiration of time, or do we flow with time?

For future projects, I would like to return to the concepts considered earlier on including the plasma globe and electric arc. For these concepts to succeed, I will need to consult with electric experts to decide the best course of action. It would be awesome to have a series of various hourglasses with each idea. I believe there are many more concepts to be discovered through different materials and lighting setups. Furthermore, I hope to learn more about woodworking so that I can become more detailed and ornate with wood forms. I am personally intrigued by the “electric” hourglass concept and would like to follow through on more refined versions until I have a truly inspiring piece.

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5 Comments. Leave new

  • great job on your project. it looks phenomenal. The detail looks great on the columns and the glass has its own aesthetic going on it. Good job on the project.

    • This is underpar. You definitely need to put in the time to hone your craft before you fantasize the philosophical issues of time itself, son

  • It looks terrific!

  • Tyler Smyth
    May 4, 2016 4:55 pm

    I think the project turned out excellent! I know you put in a lot of effort to get the project to function properly, and I was happy to be your “minion” helper at times. I would recommend in the future, soul searching for the right prism, crystal, or gem to get the light/color effect your looking for.

  • Kevin Martin
    May 4, 2016 4:50 pm

    I’m so impressed with how your project looked in the dark- the laser really lit up the floating ball!

    You and I both had projects playing with the concept of time, and I really like the idea of an electric hourglass as well. I’ve bookmarked your project- an electric hourglass might be an aesthetic project I tackle in the future, now that you’ve inspired me!


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