iPhone and Apple Watch charging dock: Part II


My project probably has the biggest difference from the beginning to the end. At the beginning I was planning on making a mirrorless rear view mirror for cars. However due to the natural difficulty of the concept and my tight schedule, I switched to a simpler and more practical project—the iPhone and Apple Watch charging dock. For the iPhone and Apple Watch project I was able to achieve what I designed at the beginning. The final product is exactly what I sketched on my notebook. During the ALTAS EXPO the public react was pretty satisfying, people were very interested in the charging dock and everyone liked the running LED indicator that I had on my project. Some people even wanted to buy it from me.

The big lesson learned from this project is that do what I truly want to do. This was something that I wanted to try for a long time. Being very busy with senior design project I was still able to finish this project only because that I like it. So I was able to squeeze more time to make it. Skillwise, I learned a lot in milling and drilling. I didn’t have any experience with the machines, but the ITLL stuff were very friendly and helpful. I’d like to say a big thank you to them! In the future there’s a lot that I can improve on the project. First of all I can focus more on the tolerance of the parts to make the whole assembly look more neat. I also want to create a slope for the Apple Watch charger slot so that I can see the time whenever the watch is being charged. I wish I had bought better wood for it. The wood that I got had big grains so that it tends to crack compared to the scrap wood pieces that I saw in ITLL. For future improvement I’d definitely get better wood!

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1 Comment. Leave new

  • Nicholas Flood
    May 2, 2016 8:58 pm

    This is my first time hearing about your project change. Different wood can make a big difference, but you could also get away with buying nice veneer to give a high quality appearance. Anyways, well done!


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