Lazy Susan Kitchen Device (LSKD)


The Lazy Susan Kitchen Device (LSKD) is both a rotating spice rack (12 spices) and paper towel holder. It is based off of the modern aesthetic and as a result has sharp corners and a black/white color scheme.

Follow this link to see a final presentation of the LSKD:



Initial design, preliminary design presentation, timeline and budget:

Determining major limiting factors:

Project iterations for 3D printing:…d-update-3162016/

Plans for project once 3D printing company printed product:…chen-device-lskd/

Major setback and wooden redesign:…chen-device-lskd/

Making the LSKD with acrylic and setbacks:…chen-device-lskd/

Final CAD drawings and redesign:…n-kitchen-device/

Final review of completed project:…n-kitchen-device/