
I didn’t hear any screams of protest, so let’s go forward with the final page idea, due Sunday May 1 at   7 pm.

Create a Page (not Post)  for your work. Title it for your main project. It should have

  • a featured image,
  • a very brief description of the project (< 50 words),
  • your presentation video (if it’s too large for the Media Library, upload it to Youtube and put in a link)
  • a table of contents or timeline, with links to all your project posts. If you are missing any of your progress reports, go ahead and fill it in to the best of your recollection of what was happening at the time. Then you’ll have a complete record.

The Page might take an hour for you to create.  I am planning to keep you as an author on the site, so you can update it in the future as needed. I will then create a class Page with images and links to each student’s final Page.

I’m still working with ITLL and ATLAS on Expo location details. All of you presenting on Saturday, please note that our class has the responsibility to put the DLC back together at the end of Expo. Should take 10 minutes. On Saturday, you need to be registered (and get a name tag) by 8:45 AM. From 9 am to 9:45, those of you with odd numbered CU Student IDs will stay with your project and keep an eye on your neighbors’ projects, and the rest of you can browse the Expo. From 9:45 until the public arrives at 10:30, the even numbered folks will stay, and the rest of you can browse. From 10:30 to 12:30 everybody should stay with their projects and chat with the public. Don’t forget to invite your friends and family! At 12:30 we’ll have 10 minutes of cleanup, rearranging furniture.

Please come to the Atlas Expo on Wednesday April 27 from 5 to 6:30 pm to support students presenting there:

  1. Meredith Richter (CS/TAM); SONOTYPE wearable musical instrument
  2. Kenzy O’Neill: alcohol backpack stove.
  3. Laura Bonney: Barn door
  4. Shen Shu: Mirrorless rear view system.
  5. Yusen Ji: Infinity mirror.
  6. Rachel Grosskrueger: infinity mirror clock.
  7. Daniel Rankin: Lighted wall divider.
  8. Andre Szlendak: Custom bicycle.
  9. Joseph Graff; personal tattoo machine.
  10. Brendan Lee; Swing bike.

On Monday we will all meet together in the regular classroom at noon, to fill out the FCQ for 10 minutes.  Can I get a volunteer to pick up the forms from the ME Front Desk before class? Then we will break up into the same pods as before for your final presentations, continuing Weds and Friday in class. Don’t forget to get a video of yourself presenting.

Comments for this week’s and next week’s posts will be due Sunday night, as usual.

One additional requirement is to fill out an exit survey, also due Sunday night May 1 at midnight. I will be sending you a personal link early next week.

I am looking forward to seeing all of these amazing projects! I also understand that some of you have had unexpected challenges; that is part of that Magic Factor of 7 that can trip you up. In the end, for this course in particular, it’s the journey that counts. Many of you have learned new skills, and/or explored your creativity in new ways. You might have even learned something about design aesthetics. I hope you will focus on these aspects when reflecting on the course.

Warm regards

Prof. Hertzberg

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