Barn Door Progress 4/13


The barn door is coming along. The pallet boards are painted and wood for the frame has been acquired. I am still playing with ideas for the back of the door, and nothing solid yet. The weight is still a big concern so I will be looking for wheels to place on the bottom for additional support.

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April 13 update

3 Comments. Leave new

  • Katie Hortik
    April 17, 2016 8:21 pm

    I love the colors! They make them much more whimsical than the traditional barn door. Are you adding any type of finish over the paint? I don’t know if you found a solution for the support and movement yet, but I noticed most barn doors were hung, but the hardware was outrageously priced. I don’t know if you need this, but here is a cheap way to do a standard solution.

  • Chad Alvarez
    April 16, 2016 4:02 pm

    Laura! I’m glad to see it’s all coming together. Hopefully with this bad weather you are still able to get stuff done on it. I would suggest looking into some swiveling wheels or ball bearings they sell at hardware stores like McGukins or Home Depot. If the weight is a big concern, throw a few of these on the bottom and spread them out in order to disperse the weight evenly. They will take all the strain away from the top and help the door slide with ease.

  • Brittany Warly
    April 14, 2016 11:17 am

    This looks like something you could find in an antique shop. I really like the colors you chose to use for the barn door. How exactly are you going to present this at expo? do you have something you can lean it up against or mount the big wooden frame on? Also, are you going to sand piper down the sides of the wood to prevent blisters? What you could do to transport it, is get a friend who has a truck help you bring it to school, and I know Dan Godrick and the ITLL has carts that you could probably put it on to roll it into expo. Then you could use the elevators if you need to go up or down a floor. Just my two sense but overall this looks beautiful!


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