Main Project Inspiration

While I have not yet settled on a singular idea, there are several inspirations which are guiding my decision making process.  I am constantly inspired by the visual arts, literature, music, and philosophy and would like to incorporate one or more of these ideas into my work.  One idea which arose from my interest in philosophy, is to create a large scale hourglass.  But, instead of sand, I want to use a lighting fixture to give off the resemblance of sand.  My intention for this design would be to make the light all-encompassing and not exactly transient, in hopes of creating a deeper discussion on time’s role in our lives.  In many Eastern beliefs and theologies, time is propositioned as a human construct.  I would like to play off this idea by allowing the light within the hourglass to represent the all inclusive time of any given moment.

If I go through with this design, the process will consist of ornate woodworking and glass construction.  I really enjoy working with these materials because they are simple and natural, but have the potential to go way beyond this description.  I believe the creative addition of a light fixture will allow these materials to perpetuate one another toward the aesthetic.  Furthermore, I believe a design with a “philosophical” aesthetic would be interesting since it could provoke much thought along with feeling.


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