Sreyas Krishnan Aspirations

This semester, especially with my final project in this class, I want to hone my skills as a CAD/mechanical designer and 3D-printing enthusiast to make a popular, if not featured, 3D-printed assembly on ‘Thingiverse.’ I started getting into Thingiverse a little bit last summer and a few people have noticed my work, but it would be awesome to create something that really stands out. I enjoy creating and I’d love to inspire others to do the same!

On the topic of creating and inspiring others, I once aspired to be a full-time professional music producer. However, I gave it a shot and realized that it wasn’t for me. I love music with all of my heart and I still produce quite a lot of music, but I get little personal satisfaction out of trying to monetize it. In fact, in a way, the business side of music makes me enjoy creating it less. I enjoy music most when I’m creating for myself, and I fully intend to do so for the rest of my life. At any rate, I take a lot of satisfaction in the fact that I contributed heavily to the career development of several successful musicians during my time as a producer and inspired others to create music.

After graduation, I would like to get a job in the aerospace industry because there are so many exciting applications for 3D-printing in that field. I hope to break in as a mechanical design engineer and hopefully work my way up to designing satellites or rocket engines sometime by mid-career. I already have industry experience as a mechanical design engineer in a different field and I’m currently the project manager of a 3D-printed rocket engine project, so hopefully that will put me on the inside track to that career path. That would be fantastic!

Here’s a reminder of my skillset (which includes a link to some of the music I’ve created lately):


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2 Comments. Leave new

  • I think a 3D printed assembly is a great idea for a project! You definitely sound like you have a direction figured out for at least the near future and aerospace is definitely one of the most exciting industries to be a part of.

  • Rachel Grosskrueger
    February 21, 2016 4:53 pm

    I totally get what you mean by creating music for yourself. I am the exact way about drawing and painting and only like to paint things for myself that I will keep rather than give to people. Being a CAD engineer would be super amazing though! I know a few guys that are doing that right now and the absolutely love it! I hope you can break into the aero industry as a CAD engineer for them!

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