Statement Chandelier

If you took a look at my college apartment, you would notice that about 70% of my house is re-purposed furniture. With a limited budget and my desire to keep up a stylish appearance, I have done everything from repainted wood chairs to upholstered garage sale furniture and paint art on the wall. However, all the current lighting was purchased at Target. I have wanted to make a statement chandelier to hang over the room for several years. Statement chandeliers have been the new trend. They are often bright colors and unique shapes. Some have more of an industrial feel while others have a more whimsical feel.

Geometric Inspiration [1]
Geometric Inspiration [1]
Whimsical Colorful Inspiration [2]
Whimsical Colorful Inspiration [2]
I was determined to make a chandelier, but I needed a structure. It was important that the structure was able to maintain the shape and was light enough for it to be supported by the ceiling of our 100 year old house. After wandering through the local Goodwill, I came across the perfect structure, a small circular laundry basket. It had holes that would allow light to move through the structure and was light enough to hang without any potential structural issues.

A Used Laundry Basket
A Used Laundry Basket

However, despite the promising structure, the basket is in serious need of a face life and some additions to transform it into a statement chandelier. I have seen a large amount of art with paint chips. They are free and easy to use because of their variety of colors and smooth finish. I am planning on cutting the paint chips into a variety of shapes and fasten them to the frame. The basket itself will be painted gold so that it better reflects light and blends in better with the paint chips.

Paint Chips and Metallic Spray Paint
Paint Chips and Metallic Spray Paint

I have the materials and vision so now for assembly!




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2 Comments. Leave new

  • Very cool! I’ve heard your house could use some extra lighting so I’m sure your roommate(s) are exited to put this to use. Have you decided what type of lights you’re going to use? I am doing a similar project and am looking for adequate lighting. Best of luck on the assembly!

  • Brendan Warren
    January 31, 2016 6:52 pm

    I’m excited to see how this turns out! I really like how you chose to paint the plastic gold as I’m interested to see how nice of a finish it will take. I’ve painted plastics metallic colors before and the transformations are incredible. It’s amazing how our perception of a material instantly changed how we determine the quality of the piece.

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