Woven Tape Measure Furniture

I’ve been searching for the right chair to cover. The criteria is that the chair be fairly small with rectangular cushions so that I can wrap the woven material around the corners without much old chair showing through.

IMG_3094goodwill chair

I think I finally found one that fits the bill. All of sudden our rescue mutt doesn’t look too shabby.

goodwill chair

I started by rounding up the tools and materials I would need. Then I nailed the metal end of the tape measures to a board in a straight row.



Next, I began weaving the tape measures across the rows, trying to keep them tight as I go.


Once I realized what I got myself into, I decided to paint the frame so it would have plenty of time to dry. I masked off the chair’s feet and end caps and gave it a coat of spray paint. I tried to match the paint to the blue tape measures.


Once I had enough tape measures woven to cover the bottom cushion, I then stapled the tape measures to the bottom of the cushion.


bottom cushion


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3 Comments. Leave new

  • Gardner Nichols
    February 1, 2016 12:28 pm

    Nice job, it looks like a lot of work went into the weaving. It definitley captures the aesthetic you were going for.

  • David Holliman
    January 31, 2016 11:10 pm

    The woven design turned out great. I agree with Dennis, the turquoise frame was a good call and compliments the aesthetic well. Does this go along with the Shabby Chic aesthetic?

  • This is really well done, I like that you got a good pattern going on instead of randomly placing the tape measurers. The color scheme on this and plastic material reminds me of old American furniture — I’m guessing like 70s or 80s. The cyan/turquoise frame really sells it. Other than that, I wish the corners of the seat were wrapped more tightly as it gives a feeling of looseness. Good job so far!

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