Upcycling Inspiration – Woven Tape Measures

I was in Hong Kong a while back and came across this shop called “GOD” (Goods of Desire). They were selling handbags made of woven seamstress tape measures. I thought it was a clever way to make a super durable product. Like most things at GOD, these bags were extremely over priced. The next time I was in the HK fabric district, I came across the same tape measures, but this time they were super cheap – bulk rate! So I bought a bunch, thinking it could be a fun project.  I’ve had these tape measures sitting in storage for years. Now I finally have the motivation to upcycle these tape measures into something. I’m thinking about a “shabby chic” chair that would fit into our sewing room.

It doesn’t seem like GOD is still selling those, but I found some other examples on-line of similar stuff.

woven tape measure bag



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5 Comments. Leave new

  • Thomas Brunsgaard
    January 26, 2016 10:48 pm

    This is a great idea! It sounds like this project is giving you some inspiration to revisit a project that you had been thinking about before. The seamstress tape measures that I have seen have a protective coating on them that make them fairly water proof, and really strong, making them a perfect material for making bags, place mats, or maybe even something like an umbrella. If you end up making a bag, you could salvage zippers from an old jacket or pair of jeans.

  • Samantha Maierhofer
    January 25, 2016 2:30 pm

    Nice idea! It reminds me of similar projects I have seen with old soda cans. It definitely sounds like it will fit into that shabby chic aesthetic. I was wondering how you plan on incorporating it into the chair? Is it just the woven seat or patterned on the wooden surface? Also have you already found a chair you are planning on using? It sounds like an awesome end result!

  • Thomas Brunsgaard
    January 24, 2016 11:47 pm

    This is a great idea! It sounds like this project is giving you some inspiration to revisit a project that you had been thinking about before. The seamstress tape measures that I have seen have a protective coating on them that make them fairly water proof, and really strong, making them a perfect material for making bags, place mats, or maybe even something like an umbrella. If you know how to sew, or are willing to learn, maybe you could get some ideas from these projects: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5zEGkgoAvI and http://www.recyclart.org/2013/02/tape-measure-pouch-tutorial/ . If you end up making a bag, you could salvage zippers from an old jacket or pair of jeans.

  • I really like the idea. It reminded me of one of my design classes where I was asked to pick a product you like to make another product out of it. I first thought that it was, challenging but I was surprised by the output. Most products end up having a shape and or structure that could help in building another. This is an awesome upcycling project. Good luck!

  • Elyse Skinner
    January 22, 2016 4:59 pm

    This is a great upcycling project! I have always loved furniture, handbags, and jewelry made out of recycled material and think it is both creative, playful, and functional! They are very unique, and I wish more stores would sell upcyled merchandise.


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