The Aesthetic of Wes Anderson

I love Wes Anderson films. Primarily, I love his aesthetic- regardless of which film you’re watching, you can always recognize his distinct style. Specific elements that I think underscore this.

First, his shot and scene composition are super-intentional. Visual symmetry and balance are huge elements of each shot he constructs. This video from Vimeo user kogonada illustrates this really well:

Secondly, these shots are often immaculately composed in their color coordination. Often a near monochromatic color palette is used for emphasis in certain scenes, like this yellow hotel shot from The Darjeeling Limited:









Or the purple and pink cast around “The Grand Budapest Hotel”:


Anderson also has a love for a specific typeface- Futura Bold, which I also adore. It appears in almost every one of his films.


I’ve even gotten criticized in the past for using Futura bold in a film title once, being told, “That’s a little too Wes Anderson”. I suppose this means his aesthetic is so well established that even using single elements of it is considered derivative.



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film, wes anderson
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