Top 5 Constraints: Kinetic Art

After many more hours of brainstorming and bouncing back ideas with some of my friends, I think I’ve finally landed on something I can move forward with. I will be making a kinetic wall piece for my room. I’m still in the process of coming up with several different designs so that I can get some feedback from my friends.


1) Materials: I have to decide on a material that is easy to manufacture while also being relatively durable and light.

2) Mechanical part: The kinetic part of this wall piece will be achieved by having a hidden mechanical system working under the piece to create motion. This part will have to be relatively small and quiet so it wont get in the way of the rest of the piece.

3) Aesthetics: After discussing my project with some people, I got different feedback on what they perceived the motion aspect of the piece would convey. Do I want it to look natural and random or structured and man-made?

4) Size: I would like for this project to be fairly big in size but it still has to fit on my wall without being too heavy.

5) Mobility: I want this piece to be something that I can take with me as I move houses. I’m also going abroad next semester, and tend to move around a lot so this piece needs to well structured and durable so it can withstand moving

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Main Project Inspiration 2019: String Art

4 Comments. Leave new

  • Jack Plantz
    May 8, 2019 9:28 pm

    This is a really cool project!. Definitely this is something where I feel like cost and time are also important constraints. I like how you’re using a mechanical system instead of having a servo for every node in your sculpture.

  • Hadeel Al Gallaf
    March 11, 2019 1:52 pm

    I like your idea a lot. It also reminds me of the kinetic wall outside the ITLL that has what looks like moving coins. It is really soothing to look at and requires minimal labor. Maybe adding an interesting aesthetic to the moving parts to make it pop and look special. By emphasizing certain areas using color or different material will take this project to the next level. Excited to see the results!

  • Tanner Wismer
    March 10, 2019 2:30 pm

    This idea for your final project is really interesting. It seems like your biggest constraint is the mechanical part. It might be the most important part, while also being the smallest and quietest part of the project. Size also seems like an important constraint. Make sure you have a good limit on how big you want to make it. I can’t wait to see the final product.

  • Hogan Auyeung
    March 9, 2019 7:06 pm

    I love the idea of your project. It will be hard to create a piece that is durable but also light and the material will play the biggest part there. Do you have any materials in mind and a design in mind for this kinetic piece?


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