Student Work

Final Stretch: LED Heartrate Monitor

At this point, I have received all of the parts in the mail, and have started putting everything together. The step was to do quality control. I started by hooking up the Arduino UNO R3 and make sure I had proper connectivity. After properly configuring the simulated com port, I struggled to get a connection.…

Shipping Pallet Garden: Final Stretch Progress

Currently, I am a little behind schedule but not by much. As of today, I have finalized the design, purchased and stained all the lumber, and built all 6 flower boxes. Below are three sketches: the first displays the overall design, and the other two, on the piece of wood, included calculations and the exact…

Final Stretch: Bed Stand

Hello readers, I have fallen behind on my final project but for what its worth I did really well on my midterms last week. The thing is I sacrificed working on this project to study for some applied math classes. Any how, I have purchased the wood for my bed stand. That’s all I’ve done.…

Final Stretch: Vanity Mirror

Time has gotten away from me a little bit on this project. I need to get going on this again! I have been researching ways to mount my mirror in a really sturdy way, however I have really strict rules about hanging stuff on the walls of my apartment. I also will be moving out…

Design Loop Reality | Cardboard Lamp

Above is my design loop reality. In retrospective, I should have gone to the laser cutter first to see the approved materials list. Waiting until the last minute put me in a bind and although I am happy with the final product I believe that the design could have been more elaborate with the aid of…

Final Stretch Progress | Gear Clock

I have made a lot of progress on my final project.  I would project that I am 90% complete with the project and plan on completing the remaining 10% this upcoming weekend. CAD model was finalized and all dimensions were finalized Material was purchased and parts were cut using the laser cutter Parts were assembled…

Final Stretch: Tori Herfert, Lazy Susan

For my project, I have already stained the wood and carved out the certain design and aesthetic I wanted to have on the wood.  I will be finishing the project today or tomorrow by assembling the wood top to the turn table.  I then will add the bucket and try and see how many different…

Construction Timeline

For my project a number of things must happen to build the jewelry box of quality I hope to achieve. First I must create a CAD of the box so that the cutting process will go smoothly. Once the CAD is done I will move onto cutting the wood in the Idea Forge makerspace. Drawings…

Top 5 Constraints

After some thought I have come to the conclusion that my jewelry box will not be as easy to build as I previously thought. Here is a list of 5 constraints I will have to consider while constructing my box: Time: Although we do have a number of weeks to work on and finish the…

Skills and Aspirations

As a 22 year old ready to graduate from CU Boulder with a major in Mechanical Engineering I have acquired a number of skills related to the major. The department I have the most skill in is probably manufacturing, and this is because I was the Manufacturing Engineer for my groups Senior Design project. Along…

Final Stretch: Wine Coffee Table

I have purchased almost all of the materials I will need to finish my wine inspired coffee table. I purchased a very nice, light colored coffee table from goodwill for only $20. The table was measured and then disassembled into pieces for further fabrication. I am currently in the process of converting two wine boxes…

Final Stretch: Jewelry Box

I hit a bit of a predicament. As I entered the wood shop on Friday to being working on my jewelry box I first spoke to Marc in the ITLL to ask him a quick question. It was at that point that he informed me that the wood I have purchased was not going to…

Final Stretch: Bamboo Fly Rod

Thus far the bamboo fly rod is coming together well but has not been without it’s hiccups and learning curves. It has been a unique opportunity to learn about how true craftsmen employ carefully acquired techniques to fabricate rods properly, and how I am comedically under-skilled to achieve the same success. However, if at first…

Final Stretch Nightstand

As of today, I have acquired all the materials needed for my project. This includes the wood siding, 2×4’s, drawer slides, and screws. All that I need to do now is to cut and assemble the wood. I have all the laser cut designs finished on Rhino3D and I’ve scheduled a time to cut for…

Final Stretch: Candle Holder

According to my plan on implementing the project I am happy with the progress so far, I have been able to get a 3D printer once to make the base of my candle. I have also acquired all the necessary materials. The following are the things left to finish the project: Finalizing Pattern designs on…

Final Stretch: standing desk

Hi everyone, This is a quick update on how my standing desk building is going. this is what I’ve done so far: I’ve bought most of my materials: cement, cement support, wood, stain, mechanical parts, desk top I’ve put the wood base of the table together (a new development, I’ve decided that it might fall…

Final Stretch: Upside Down Fish Tank

I am almost done with the project, about 80% of the way. The fish tank part took me a long time as the curing time for acrylic glue takes 24 hours to reach 90% strength. After building the fish tank for the first time, it started to leak so I had to repair it. The…

27 Chairs: Eames Lounge, Monobloc, and Beyond

Did some sketching; how to represent a glossy vs a matte surface. Watched a video about making the Eames lounge chair as an example of organic design that blends the production process with the ‘good host’ chair aesthetic. Contrasted the Eames lounge chair at $5000 with the Monobloc plastic chair at $12. 27 Chairs Eames…

Final Stretch: Levitation Stand

For those of you who are unfamiliar with my project, I’m building a levitation stand that uses like poles of magnets to repel another magnet and give the appearance of levitation. I’m actually completely finished with the “meat” of the project, that is I got the magnets to work together to repel another magnet and…

Final Stretch: Chest

Over the past 2 week I have been trying different methods to shape the chest but have run into some problems. I have been trying to make the box more curvy and flowing but the material I am using does not naturally allow for that to happen. I tried thermoforming the material back home in…

Final Stretch Progress: Rick Totem

I estimate that the project is approximately 80% complete overall. I am about 90% done with the stuffed Rick figure, and only need to attach his shoes, and make his hair (out of distressed yarn). I have completed about 90% of the electrical components, having created a majority of the fixtures that will be mounted to the…

Final Stretch: Boat Tank Aesthetic

I have completed the boat and integrated it into the fish tank. The boat is held in the center of the tank with fishing line. The line is tight enough to ensure the boat stays about in the center of the tank, but has enough slack to let the boat move with the “waves” of…

Final Stretch Progress

Right now I am on the second iteration of the backpack, but the first iteration that is fully functioning. I really like how this version turned out, but need to change how the straps attach to the bottom of the backpack and possibly the make it a little longer. Here are some photos of it.  

Construction Time Line

I have already made two versions of the backpack (including the prototype), but I want to make two more before expo. Here is a list of the tasks I need/want to do before the design expo and when I expect to have them done. Backpanel w/ foam inlay design – April 15th Laptop sleeve design…

Final Stretch: Windmill

For the remaining time left to work on my project, I will have to assemble the fan blade section and configure the windmill so that the air will rotate the fan blades. This will be done by building a rotational mechanism on the top of the base of the windmill and designing the blades in…

Final Stretch Progress: Studio Website & Podcast

So there’s good news, great news, and “pending” (please refer to my Construction Timeline post)… The good news is that I’ve been able to set up contributors to my page for the Op-Eds and Reviews portion of my page. My brother works in Denver and is extremely well-spoken, so it will be great to have…

Final Stretch Progress: Bear Spray Light

This past week, I was able to finalize the solidworks design and 3D print the design. Although the 3D print didn’t have the finish I was hoping for due to its complexity, it does fit the bear spray bottle curvature. Next steps, now that I have time, will be to start thinking about the circuitry…

Final Stretch: MoonSkate

For the last few weeks of the semester, I plan on fabricating my project and making adjustments as necessary. My next steps include: Applying Mod Podge and paper to exterior of plastic bin Painting paper in a graffiti aesthetic Wrapping elastic bands through footstraps Wrapping elastic bands around plastic bin Applying LED lighting strips to…

Final Stretch: Trebuchet

Based on the timeline I set up for my project, I should have acquired all the materials by now, which I have, and should be able to complete my construction by this weekend. I think I am poised to get my construction done according to my timeline unless run into any design issues. I think…

Final Stretch: Checkmate

The chess board is in the initial stages of the build.  I have acquired the wood, brought it to the Makerspace, and have started to build my product.  I began by inspecting the maple and walnut wood for any imperfections, ensuring it would suffice for my chessboard. Next, I verified my drawings with an external…

Final Stretch: Steampunk River Cottage

I’m making good progress on the final artifact. I have obtained nearly all necessary materials and just need to get welding. Pros: Structural material is in Good idea of how I will assemble the structure Have all tools necessary for assembly Cons: Still have to cut material to size Still have to order servo w/…

Final Stretch: Solar System Lamp

The end over the semester is approaching very fast. It will be a race against the clock to get everything assembled. The biggest items left are as follows, Finish machining parts: I should be able to complete this by the end of next week. If somthing doesnt work out then I will be 3d printing…

Final Stretch: Zoetrope

I have finished the sketching and designing part of the project and have procured all the materials that I would need for my project. 8 inch diameter tube High density foam boards. Paints DC motor Arduino I am all set to start working on it this Thursday and Friday in the IdeaForge Makerspace. I will…

Final Stretch: Jon Nelson

Currently the programming and design for the sensor on SolidWorks is complete.  I’m having a few issues with the calibration on the heartbeat sensor (it is not taking in every beat for some reasons, possibly due to where I place the sensor or with the transceiver).  I still need to 3D print the case, which…

Final Stretch: Heart Rate LED

Final BOM The bill of material is 100% complete. After some initial testing, it appears that everything I initially purchased will work as intended. Electronic Assembly The electronics are almost fully assembled. The LEDs still need to be wired to a relay, but the relay clicks in synch with my heartbeat. Testing Testing has been…

Construction Timeline: Saxaphone

To this point I have stayed close to the schedule that I wanted to keep for my project. However I am very busy and my schedule will be hectic for the last 4 weeks of time for the project so I want to space my work out evenly over this time. week 1: Obtain all…

Final Stretch: Saxaphone

My project is going well. I have my final sketch imported into coral draw and ready to be laser cut into the wood that I am using for the instrument body. The pros of my progress is that I am on track with my schedule and have the materials that I need for the remainder…

Final Stretch: Smart Mirror

I am nearing completion on my project right about now. I have configured Magic Mirror to run on a raspberry pi and have already de-bezeled a monitor to use for this project. This weekend I am planning to create the frame out of wood which should only take a few hours. With the frame complete…

Final Stretch

For the final stretch, I still have a fare amount of work left to do. I have all the CAD designs done and the wood picked out. Some of the pieces have been cut, but I still have more cutting that needs to be done. I also still have laser cutting that I would like…

Top Five Constraints

For my project, I have a very clear picture of what I want it to look like and function like. I plan to pursue the vision I have and perfect it down to the inch. However, I know that will be difficult. My top five constraints are: Tool usage: I don’t know exactly how I…

Final Stretch Progress: Dummy Calf

The end of the semester is sneaking up on me faster than I am ready for. I still have some work I need to o on this project. The last of my parts are coming in on Friday, and then I will have this weekend to piece them all together. My to-do list looks like…

Final Stretch Progress

I havde yet to actually put my final game board together, but I will be doing that this weekend. My main progress so far has focused on what went  wrong in the prototype and what I want to improve. This includes : Making dice a middle bar wide enough to hold the pieces perfecting the…

Construction Timeline

For my project, I am building a dummy roping calf out of PVC pipe. I haven’t constructed things out of PVC pipe before, but I think I will be able to get the hang of it pretty quick. However, I would say that working with it is a known unknown. I’m sure I will run…

Final Stretch Progress

Progress The project is on-track with a lot of action items to complete. The design has been finalized. Materials have been ordered and/or researched. Actions to complete: Building the project Receiving materials Purchasing materials Aesthetics Presentation Report

Final Stretch Progress: Electric Longboard

I am really excited for this project and have almost finished ordering parts (waiting to hear back from a couple of eBay vendors) and I have finished removing all the paint and graphics from the main deck of the longboard. I can’t wait to paint it! Here’s a picture of it before and after. I…

Construction Timeline: Electric Longboard

Hi all, This is my Gantt chart for the electric longboard build! I am really excited to move forward with the build! I have purchased most of the parts for it. I have decided to not paint the back till I complete the construction and assembly of the electronic part of the longboard since that…

Final Stretch Progress: Laser Cutting

My most recent progress has involved completing the Intro to Laser Cutting course and cutting my 12-inch by 12-inch slab of acrylic.  I am happy to say all was successful.  Hurray!  To follow are steps I took to create the four acrylic trapezoids to be used in my final design. Step 1: CorelDRAW Each trapezoid…

Final Stretch Progress: Tori Herfert

For my lazy susan project, I planned out in my timeline post that everything would take me about a week to do.  This weekend, I made the proper cuts into my top piece of wood to give it that hollowed out center so that I will be able to place my items on it.  I…

Final Stretch Progress: Belt/Tie Rack

This passed week, I set aside some time to talk to employees in the Makerspace about my project. During this meeting I was able to finalize my design and determine exactly which parts I will need to purchase. Here are some of the biggest points to takeaway from the meeting: The first is that I…

HeartBeat Sensor Timeline

I’m setting up my timeline week by week with time expected to complete. April 3-7: Complete the programming for the sensor (Complete) April 10-14: 3D print the casing for the watch (10 hours) April 17-21: Paint and finalize the project (10 hours) April 24-28: Presentations to pod

Construction Timeline: Trebuchet

For my trebuchet project, I have finalized my design and acquired all the materials I need for my construction including some nice pieces of ghost wood which really fits my ghastly war-torn aesthetic goals. My plan is to finish the construction by next week and start working on the aesthetic as soon as possible. The…

Shipping Pallet Garden: Construction Timeline

Making a timeline or schedule for any project is critical to its success! This particular project is no different: this blog post outlines the construction timeline to make the Shipping Pallet Garden. Timeline: Finalize design and make bill of materials This step will require me to finalize my design (how many shelves, overall shape, etc.)…

25 Golden Ratio

Today we talked about schedule, final expectations and Expo registration. See the notes for full details, but here is the registration link. Deadline is 1 week, next Friday! April 14. We will probably all be grouped in the DLC, so we can have group music. Each student should provide one song for a playlist, no…

Construction Timeline: Wine Coffee Table

Above is a picture of my proposed project schedule for converting a pre-existing coffee table into a wine storage coffee table. I currently have been looking for coffee tables I could fabricate and have not had much luck. This weekend I am going to pursue a few more leads and if I do not find…

Construction Timeline: Laser Cut Nightstand

For my nightstand, I already have my pieces sketched up and designed other than the actual design that will be engraved into the pieces. As for my schedule: April 6-9: Sourcing materials and finish the engraving design. April 10-16: Laser cut and etch all materials that will be used. Begin to treat the wood. April 17-23:…