Student Work

Bear Spray Light Final Part 1

My dad is one of the brightest and most creative people I’ve ever met and ever since I was a little girl, we have always been thinking of new products to develop, whether it is for our outdoor recreation business or just for convenience. When thinking about a main project, I decided that I wanted…

Smart Mirror Final Report Part 1

What is a Smart Mirror? For my final project I decided to create a smart mirror. A smart mirror combines the uses of a traditional mirror with a digital aspect to bring up-to-date information to the user directly on the mirror surface. For the most part this information is simple like time, weather, calendar, and…

YAYA: Final Report #1

This blog post will cover the how I completed the most recent version of the backpack. I say the most recent version because I plan to make more versions comma most likely to more . which I will cover in the next blog post . I will explain how I took the previous version and altered…

Standing desk: Main Project Report, part 1

Hello Everyone! The purpose of this post is to explain everything about how I made this standing desk: this is my completed standing desk   full solidworks I am going to skip the part where I introduce my inspiration and initial design sketches, because those are already discussed in previous posts (see the prototype presentation).…

Rick Totem Final Report Part 1

Background I built a totem themed with the character “Rick”, from the TV series Rick and Morty, for my final project. A totem is an artifact that many people brings to music festivals. A totem is generally an art piece that is fastened to the top of a long pole, that is carried around at festivals. Primarily,…

Construction Timeline-Dynamic Model Boat

This was construction timeline for my project. I have been very busy with my other engineering classes, and it seems this particular post slipped through until now. I apologize for the delay. There were several aspects of this project that I know would take time-building the sailboat most of all. I have built models before, so I know…

Bear Spray Light Final Report Part 2

After completing my second prototype, which was my first 3D printed part, I realized that I needed to change the design to fit the 9V battery I am using for this project. I also wanted to go back and add a hole for a button that was already pre-measured instead of guessing after the fact.…

Final Stretch: Pencil Holder

The last two weeks were semi productive but I haven’t been able to make any real progress on my project. I finished the cad drawings and discussed how to machine it with Greg Potts. The material only got here last Friday so i have not had time to go into the machine shop. I have…

Construction Timeline: Pencil Holder

April 1st: Try out many sketches, decide on final shape April 5th: Brainstorm materials and how it will be manufactured. April 7th: Order materials (2 week lead time) April 14th: Finalize CAD Drawings April 21st: Receive materials April 24th: Start machining Present final on May 1st    

Top 5 Constraints: Pencil holder

For my project I am going to create a pencil holder. I think I will have a colorless/metallic aesthetic. Everything I already own is in this category with few exceptions. Everything is black, white, grey, silver. I will stick with this aesthetic and make an aluminum pencil holder. It will be sitting on a thrust…

Main Project Inspirations: Pen holder

For my project I had a few sources of inspiration. I had always grown up with a toothbrush holder in my bathroom that was free standing and held 4 toothbrushes. It was black and metallic and i always liked the look of it. It looked something like this. Different colors obviously. As a young kid…

Main Project final stretch update

My final project has taken a slight turn in the fact that the original design had some flaws when i tried to bend the wood for my first iteration. The second version of the design has all of the materials purchased for it and will begin manufacturing this week. After all of my cuts are…

Final Project Report 1: iTunes Hologram

What a remarkable journey it has been both ideating and implementing my iTunes Hologram design.  Please see below for details on my process. INSPIRATION a) iTunes & iPod 2000-2011 Ad Campaign My hologram is created based on one of the most successful advertising campaigns ever executed.  My project is inspired by the iTunes and iPod…

20th Century Design Movements

After looking into a number of 20th century design movements I feel as though I have a more clear goal as to how I want my finished jewelry box to look. There were two 20th century design movements that really helped narrow down what design I wanted to incorporate into my project, and those design…

32 Wrapping Up

Hi. I’ll try to collect all of the end-of-semester details here, in rough chronological order.   Make a post for Monday 4/24 with your project name as the title. This will be a placeholder for your presentation video only, so your pod can comment on your presentation regardless of the state of your final blog…

31 Design Awards

Today we finished our discussion of contemporary designers by looking at Steve Jobs and Jonny Ive, and their shared design philosophy. Then we broke into groups to sift through a variety of design competitions, looking at the winners. 31 Design Awards

End-of-Semester Final Portfolio Template

Hello everyone! I would like to provide a written explanation to be used as a reference for creating the final summary portfolio for your project. What you can expect from reading this is how to create portfolio (not a post), apply a template, and some of the available features for customization. This is simply a…

30 Current Designers: Hadid, Pagani, Jobs

We are all done with sketching instruction. Now it’s up to you. Notice what you are seeing around you, and practice! Today we looked at the work of Zaha Hadid (‘Queen of Curves’), Horacio Pagani and Steve Jobs. In Jobs’ case we were able to talk about early influences and how they were expressed as…

29 Current Designers: Stewart, Rashid, Lovegrove, Behar

Today we looked at how to represent metal in sketches; neutral, desaturated colors and fake reflections, suggesting a photography studio environment. We also looked at the work of a range of current designers: Martha Stewart – what is unique about her work? Organized clutter! Karim Rashid’s biomorphic shapes Ross Lovegrove: Captain Organic. Rejects biomorphism/blobism/consumerism, but…

28 Glass sketching and Phillipe Starck

Today we looked at how to represent glass in sketches; show something inside the glass, show its refractive effect, its shadow and glossy surface. Then we started discussing current designers; who comes to mind. Just a few from students: Martha Stewart Dyson Apple; Jonny Ive Elon Musk David Kelly IDEO/Stanford D-school Martha Stewart and Jonny…