Student Work

Main Project Report Part 2: Trebuchet

Why? The ‘why’ question for my project can be classified into two different aspects – 1. Why did I choose to make a trebuchet? and 2. Why did choose the aesthetic I decided to go with for the trebuchet? I’ll address both the questions in the following passages of this report. Why a Trebuchet? My…

Final Report Part II: Zoetrope

Overall, I think my project came out pretty well. I was able to successfully iterate through many designs and finalize on the one I like the most, which was also the most simple. Initially, I went with a boxed design (where the cylindrical zoetrope would sit over a box) and have a motorized function to…

Main Project Report Part 1: Trebuchet

This post gives a brief outline of what and how of my final project for the Aesthetics of Design class: a battle-worn looking trebuchet. A trebuchet is a siege engine used during the medieval ages. It uses a counterweight and sling action to hurl projectiles weighing up to 90 kgs for 200 meters. The Trebuchet…

Main Project Report Part 1: 2-size Tablet Stand

Background For my project the goal is to make a desk stand to put my tablet/monitor side-by-side of my laptop, so the stand needs to fit both 12-inch and 16-inch tablet/monitor, holding about 1.5 kilogram (3.3 lbs) without breaking. Before I was using an easel to hold them, but is was too far from the desk…

Project Final Stretch: 2-size Tablet Stand

Progress as 4/16/2017 After 3 days of camping at ITLL, printing almost 70% done! This part really doesn’t want to print… And cutting this part so it doesn’t cover the power connection, turns out cutting stuff is a lot of fun! So…looks like we are not far behind the plan! Assembling isn’t too hard so…

Main Project Final Report Part 2: 2-Size Tablet Stand

What’s next?   Polish some of the rough edges left by the printing, make some padding on the screws so it doesn’t scratch the tablet, do something about the part for power cables, make it so I can take the tablet out without unplug first. Totally forgot this part when modelling it… Change in aesthetic Compared…

Design Review | Marcus Gurule

For my final project I am planning on making a steampunk themed gear clock. My original inspiration comes from a clock that I had seen that was in my dorm room my freshman year. The clock that I am basing my design off of is shown below: This clock is a little different in that…

Final Report I: Zoetrope

Background The Zoetrope is one of the oldest platforms for animation.  It’s origins are a little unclear, however, it was popularized in the 1900s as an artifact. Growing up, animation and cartoons were a big part of my life. I owe my ability to draw to years of watching anime and trying to replicate that.…

Final Project Report Pt. 2- the MoonSkate

Finishing up the MoonSkate allowed me an opportunity to reflect on the work I have done and the concepts I have picked up throughout the semester. Throughout the semester, I constrained myself to design processes that evolved and expanded in ways that I did not expect. This was especially true during the process of designing…

Final Report Pt II: cloudfootstudio & Thinkly

I knew early on that I was going to build a website, after tossing around a few other ideas but not finding something that really got me excited. What I could really use and would have fun creating would be a personal design-oriented site to showcase my artistic and professional work as well as aggregate…

Perpetual Motion Final Report Part 2

Why: I have always idolized Leonardo Da Vinci and have always wanted to make a model of something that he originally came up with. When I found out that the only requirement for this project was that it was dynamic, I knew immediately what I wanted to make. The idea of a perpetual motion also…

Main Project Report: Part #2

Reflection on the project My intention at the beginning of this project was to come up with an object that displays the aesthetic that I had in mind(Arabesque). In addition, I also wanted to make it a gift since I got the chance to do any project as long as the only requirement was it…

Rick Totem Final Report Part 2

This project as a whole went very well, and I enjoyed presenting it at the ITLL expo. A picture of the exhibit can be seen in the featured image on this post, and the below video demonstrates the totem in a video I took at home. In general, the public reacted favorably to my project.    …

Main Project Report part 2

Expectations vs Reality: I had planned to have a more detailed design on the outside of the casing.  Due to the layering of the PLA, it was difficult to sketch out the flames that would be painted into the sides.  It also kept me from placing the Harley Davidson logo on the center of the…

Final Stretch: zoetrope

4/19/17 At this time I had finished procuring the dense cardboard tube that would be the main part of the Zoetrope. 1. I finished painting on 4/2 I had never used spray paint before so I had to learn from youtube and practicing on scraps. Repeated sanding and re-painting resulted in a structure that was…

Main Project Final Report Part 2

What’s next: Add inlay design: I ran out of time to be able to add a nice inlay design. And I want to make sure that I wanted rushed during that process, so later on I would like to add one. Make compartment: I haven’t made the compartment to hold a picture in. I might…

Smart Mirror Final Report Part 2

Why I chose to create a smart mirror because I believed it was something I could use. Everyone uses a mirror everyday so enabling myself to be able to check the time, weather, or commute time while simply looking in the mirror was fascinating to me. The fact that these mirrors aren’t commercially available also…

Main Project Report Part 1

For my main project, I decided to make a heartbeat sensor for my dad.  He is a big fan of Harley Davidson and their motorcycles so I thought it would be fun and interesting to create a sensor with a Harley Davidson aesthetic.  For the design of the case which the sensor would go in,…

Final Project Part 2: Orrery Solar System

Why and What next? Reflection on the semester. Compare your original project intent to what you ended up with. How did the public react? What did you learn from your project, and from the class? What will you do next with the project? What do you wish you had done differently? (You can copy some…

Final Project Part 1: Orrery Solar System

An orrery solar system is meant to depict the relative motion of the planets around the sun. for my final project I chose to condense this and only replicate the earth and moon. I took inspiration for my work where I help design and assemble space flight instruments. I also have always had a passion…

Shipping Pallet Garden: Final Report 1

This blog post outlines the What and How of my final project: a Shipping Pallet Garden turned Standing Garden. Originally, I had hoped to make my project out of used shipping pallets to converse money and achieve a weathered rustic aesthetic. Unfortunately, I could not find any shipping pallets that weren’t broken or rotting, or the…

Main Project Final Report Part 2 | Marcus Gurule

Why and what next? Original Project Intent vs. Reality Originally my inspiration was to create a steampunk inspired interpretation of a clock. This clock was to work a little different than a standard clock in that instead of the hands moving around the clock to tell the time, the numbers would actually rotate around the clock.…

Ryan Forsyth Main Project Report Part 1

My final project consisted of a dynamic model sailboat, floating in a tank with a aesthetic based on Romantic and Dutch Golden Age Maritime Art. I have always loved model boats: at home in Maryland, almost every house has one. My house has several; I love looking at them and exploring their intricacies. When presented…

Slide and Stand: Main Project Report, part 2

Hello! The purpose of this desk is to reflect on its creation, including answering these questions: Compare your original project intent to what you ended up with. How did the public react? What did you learn from your project, and from the class? What will you do next with the project? What do you wish you…

Final Report part 1 : vanity mirror

Seeing as this is my first kind of physical and functional project, I want to keep it pretty simple while still challenging myself to learn things like wiring the lightbulbs and make them have dimming capabilities. I wanted to create something I knew I would use. I am a big fan of Pinterest and DIY…

Main Project Final Report Part 1: K. Gresh

Main Project Final Report: Part 1 I had a design change for the main project.  My original design was for a remote controlled automated horse jump.  While the idea and design were great, the necessity and inspiration for the jump faded, and the lack of storage for such a large item was the primary reason for the design change. The main…

Main Project Final Report: Part 2 – K. Gresh

Puppy Palace The puppy palace project was designed for a miniature French Bulldog.  The inspiration arose from the cutest, adorable Frenchie puppy which was chosen for his small size, non-barking nature, lovable, sweet, easy, and mellow attitude.  The puppy’s size allowed him to be taken everywhere so staying at home, or restricted to a crate/area…

Final Project Report 2: iTunes Hologram

I now have had the pleasure of presenting my iTunes Hologram at the engineering expo.  What a treat to be there among so many innovations and brilliants minds! NEXT STEPS My next steps for my project may be broken down as follows: Create additional videos. Attain footage from four directions to create an image that…

MoonSkate Final Report Part I

The MoonSkate is a combination of two products from my childhood: Moonshoes and skateboards. I decided on this project due to my love of skateboarding and a drive to innovate on this passion. In the early stages of my project, I drew upon some aesthetic inspirations that did not translate that well onto my first…

Final Project Report Part 1: Wooden Backgammon Board

Presentation Slides:   Constraints :-Dynamic-Material-Skills Original Thoughts:-Interactive Game-Chess-Checkers   Our only real constraint or direction for this project is that it must be dynamic. To me the idea of movement didn’t come from a sculpture with a moving hand or a robot on wheels. I want my project to have a human component and…

Magnetic Levitation Stand Report 1

For those of you unfamiliar with my project, I decided to try my hand at a magnetic levitation stand. Basically, this is just a series of magnets, both electromagnets and traditional metal magnets, used to keep another magnet suspended midair. The idea came from a camping and fishing trip I had last summer to Hells…

Final Report Pt I: cloudfootstudio & Thinkly   It took me a while to decide what I was going to do for my final project… I considered a sort of large-scale upcycle project with reclaimed materials and wind to generate electricity, but I’m pretty sure I came up with something better. I’m going to design a website: a personal and…

Dynamic Infinity Mirror + Blake Arellano

Project Description This infinity mirror incorporates random movements, light patterns, and color patterns encased in a modern 3-D printed shell to create a futuristic and modern aesthetic. Project Posts/Timeline Main Project Inspirations Top 5 Constraints Design Review Project Aesthetics Compared to 20th Century Design Movements Construction Timeline Final Stretch Progress Final Project Report pt. 1…