Student Work

Aesthetic exploration- Seal carving

Seal carving, also seal cutting, or zhuanke in Chinese, is a traditional form of art that originated in China and later spread to East Asia. It refers to cutting a design into the bottom face of the seal (the active surface used for stamping, rather than the sides or top). Also known as seal engraving.…

Aesthetic Exploration: Dress to Kill

Military inspired fashion Military inspired fashion explores a certain type of aesthetic that highlights firm structures, hard textures, metallic embellishments and earthy tones. They are directly drawn from classic military uniforms that used to be worn during World War I and II. The dusty colors that distinguish military clothing from other pieces began in India.…

Aesthetic Exploration: Chiaroscuro

Chiaroscuro, in its most basic form, is a contrast of light and dark without regard of color. It is commonly used to give subjects of a painting or photograph three dimensions with light falling on the subject from a particular light source out of frame. Though this technique has existed for a long time, it…

Aesthetic Exploration 2019: Beer Tap Handles

The aesthetic I have chosen to explore is the aesthetic of beer tap handles, and how they can range from incredibly minimalistic to functional works of art. Until the early 20th century, beer was typically served directly from the barrel, until artificial carbonation was introduced in 1936 thus beginning what we know as draught beer. …

04 Aesthetics Tour 2

Today we shared design notebooks and ideas for tonight’s first post on aesthetics. Then we looked at a few specific design aesthetics: Industrial Chic, Biker Culture, Japanese motorcycles, Yakuza tatoos and speech patterns, Manga, Steampunk and more. Lastly we looked at a few examples of upcycling in preparation for the warm-up project. PDF of lecture…

Aesthetic Exploration: Soviet Propaganda

Propaganda designed to sway the public opinion has been produced and distributed by many organizations, usually nations, for centuries. Soviet propaganda existed for many reasons; to bolster ideologies, to evoke emotions such as national pride or hateful thoughts of the enemy, and others. Propaganda posters generally don’t extra frills, as conveying a message is their…

Aesthetic Explorations 2019: Aviation

There are two major manufacturers of aircraft since the 1950’s whose designs I will cover; Boeing and Airbus. Boeing was founded in 1916 in Seattle and started out making wooden frame aircraft. Airbus was founded in 1970 and is a major aerospace manufacturer in Europe. This post will focus on the design on airplanes starting…

Aesthetic Exploration: Sports Bike

The aesthetics of modern sports bike attracts me a lot lately, so I chose to do some research about it. Many motorcycle manufactures make sports bikes, these manufactures include: Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha, Ducati, etc. Sports bike design prioritize speed and performance over comfort. This design priority, along with influences from competitive racing motorcycles, has given…

Aesthetic Exploration: Swimwear

[1] Thinking about the snow outside, getting into a hot tub becomes a relaxing thought. However, something that doesn’t cross the mind is what to wear. The general assumption is that everyone would wear a swimsuit. From this, my question became, how did swimwear emerge as a modern-day afterthought and is there an aesthetic behind…

Aesthetics Exploration: Calligraphy

[1] The aesthetic I have chosen to explore is calligraphy. I have always been interested in how people can use writing to create art instead of a picture. Calligraphy is defined as “fancy penmanship, especially highly decorative handwriting” by [2]. Historically, calligraphy dates back to before 500 BC and was used in a variety…

C’est Normal C’est Normal owns the rights to all of these images and Jon Olsson the rights to his video blog. The aesthetic I chose was a brand called C’est Normal – this clothing brand was created in October of 2018. There are four creators behind the brand, those being: Jon Olsson Deler, Janni Olsson Deler,…

Sunn O))): From Amplifiers to Altars

Sunn O)))’s 2005 drone metal record, Black One( Sunn O))) (simply pronounced “Sun”) are a peculiar metal band from Seattle, WA, known for their punishing and monolithic drone releases as well as their ritualistic live shows. Their live audio philosophy reads as following: “MAXIMUM VOLUME YIELDS MAXIMUM RESULTS.” Walls of amps line the back of the…

Aesthetic Exploration: Snowboarding

Snowboarding is a popular winter sport that was first introduced to the United States in the 1960s [1]. It was introduced to the first Winter Olympics in 1998 at Nagano, Japan [1]. The first model of the snowboard was created by Sherman Poppen, an engineer in Michigan, in 1965 as he attached two skis…

Ibrahim Alhajji

the Aesthetics of soccer jerseys in this modern age has been attractive to me and to many soccer fans. The designs are intended to to be unique, beautiful and to advertise the team. Here I posted some of the designs that I think achieved excellence.Source: This is Real Madrid away kit. They wear it…

Aesthetic Exploration – Simulated

“Going outside is highly overrated.” ― Ernest Cline, Ready Player One Much of design is about conveying a message. As technology advances and the world becomes ever more accepting of tools to visualize object and events using computers it is important to value the aesthetics of simulations. This simulated by the internet artist Slam_nine that depicts, “the reaction-diffusion…

Running through Time

Source: Today, it would be hard to imagine a world where the category of shoes did not include sneakers of any kind. In fact, the most commonly seen type of shoe is sneakers. However, the sneaker was born not too long ago. The first ever sneakers were plimsoll shoes, made in 1930 by a…

Retro Futurism

Retro Futurism refers to the creative trend from the 1940s-1960s that depicted the future. It “explores themes of tension between past and future, and between the alienating and empowering effects of technology” (Raduta). During this time, the US was in the Atomic Age, where thoughts of nuclear war took over American Citizens concerns and daily…

Aesthetic Explorations 2019: Craft Beer

In 1919, “the ratification of the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution–which banned the manufacture, transportation and sale of intoxicating liquors–ushered in a period in American history known as Prohibition” [1]. This brought rise to increased violence by the hands of people like Al Capone, who was known for bootlegging and speakeasies. By 1933,…

Aesthetic Explorations 2019: Minimalism

Minimalism began as “a trend in sculpture and painting that arose in the 1950s and used simple, typically massive, forms” (1). From this, minimalism as a design and architectural feature was created and “has been deployed to refer to any object or interior featuring a marked reduction of form.” Minimalism is about adapting the ‘less…

Aesthetic Explorations: Football Helmets

The National Football League (NFL) has been around for almost a hundred years and in a heavy contact sport such as American football, safety of the players is an obvious concern. Though the players wear a variety of safety pads and other garments, this post will focus on the helmets. Since the helmet’s conception, it…

Dada – Art Against War

Following World War I, artists, reacting to the sheer volume of atrocities brought on by the war, felt it necessary to rebel against all existing standards of art and aesthetic, as a means of reconstruction. They were replacing the values of a society which created WWI in an attempt to pave the way towards a…

03 Aesthetics Tour 1

Today we went over some more administrative stuff (will it never end?) including a demonstration of how to post to this website. There’s an old post on this from last year  on how to post that is still mostly correct. We finished going over art theories, and had a very nice discussion; lots of thoughtful…

01 Intro

Today we went over the initial assignments and started on the syllabus, covering goals and learning objectives. Wendesday we’ll finish syllabus stuff, and get into definitions of aesthetics.

Schedule 2019

2019 Week Monday Wednesday Friday 1 Jan 14 Syllabus,First assignments: Catme, blog, survey, then aesthetic, upcycle artifact Art history, aesthetics definitions Upcycle examples. Aesthetics Tour 1 2 Jan 21 No class, MLK day Aesthetics tour 2 Critique introduction Syllabus agreement due in class. AesDes Perception Survey due at midnight. Blog post 1 due: Aesthetic Explorations…

Schedule 2017

  2017 Week Monday Wednesday Friday 1 Jan 16 MLK day, no class Syllabus, First assignments: Catme, blog, survey, then aesthetic, upcycle artifact Art History intro. Definition of Aesthetics 2 Jan 23 Upcycle examples, Aesthetics Tour 1 Aesthetics tour 2 Critique introduction Blog post 1 due: Aesthetic Explorations Sketching exercise, Aesthetics tour 3 3 Jan…

Final Report 2: Saxophone

Throughout this semester I had a goal of making a woodwind instrument in this class. My upcycle project had the functionality that I wanted but lacked an aesthetic. I decided to change this and improve on it with iterations throughout the semester to achieve a functional product that also looked good. I put a lot…

Construction Timeline: Lampu

Since this blogpost is late, I am going to highlight the actual timeline of this project: March 27th – March 31st – Test plywood cuts on laser cutter April 1st – April 3rd – Brainstorm and Re-design April 17th – 20th – Manufacturing (cut pieces to size, machine the insert and assemble) April 22nd –…

Model Boat Project: Part 2

The model boat did not come out exactly as I wanted it to, but that leaves a lot of room for improvement! The next step I envision for this project is a more high-quality boat, first and foremost. I will research building waterproof, CG (center of gravity) accurate boats this summer and hopefully get started…

Top 5 Constraints: Lampu

For my final project, I planned on making a lamp/storage unit for my jewelry that rotates about a post for customizability. These are the top 5 constraints I had with that initial design: Laser Cutting time – in order to cut plywood, I need to use the BTU lab’s laser cutter which are scheduled and…

Final Project Report Pt. 2

  Project Vision To begin, I would like to reiterate my vision for this design project. My goal was to create a handmade rod that could balance the “naturalist” aesthetic with functional requirements. In the end, I wanted to fabricate a rod that I could marvel at the visual and reliably go use on the…

Aesthetic Exploration: Guitars

I have chosen to explore the aesthetics behind different types of guitars around the world. There are many shapes and sizes out there and each has their own aesthetic appeal associated with each type. The first design is the steel string acoustic guitar. It’s a design that produces a more metallic sound due to its…

Final Report Part 2: Origami Pop-Up Diary

How did my original project intent translate to the final project… Overall, I am pleased with my pop-up book. The scenes are what I expected them to be and have as much detail as I had planned. It is a bit different from what I initially intended. I wasn’t sure how I was going to…

Construction Timeline: Snowboard Cup Holder

With my idea finalized, I can begin the final construction. First, I will order the materials. Second, I will modify the cup holder to attach to my snowboard. Third, I will add features to the cup holder to enhance it’s functionality and aesthetic. Below is a construction timeline that I believe will help me towards…

Main Project Report 2017 Part 2: Windmill

In the end, I would say that I am very happy with how my windmill turned out. I thought the finished item really looked authentic and matched the countryside aesthetic I was going for. As I mentioned in a previous post, my main inspiration for this project was an old windmill that I used to…

Upcycle: Corian box

For my upcycle project I chose to make a box for myself made completely of this material called Corian. This is a solid surface material primarily used for making countertops and windowsills. My inspiration came from working with my dad a couple of summers ago. My dad works at a company called American installations where…

Shipping Pallet Garden: Final Report Part 2

How did my expectation differ from reality… Ultimately, I am really happy with my standing garden! I think it looks great and I put a lot of work into it. Regardless, it is definitely different than I expected it to look. Originally, I planned to reuse two old discarded wooden shipping pallets and fix them…

Main Project Report: Part 1

My main project for this class was an antique jewelry box I made for a mothers day gift. Design Phase: The design phase for this project was well planned out and though through before any materials were bought. Multiple different CAD drawings were created on SolidWorks to ensure I knew what kind of box I…

Main Project Report: Part 2

First I will answer the question why?  Why did I pick a jewelry box? With mother’s day coming up so quickly, I wanted to have something I could give my mom. She always liked it when I made her things myself, so I figured this the perfect opportunity to make something for her that I could…

YAYA Final Report #2

Changes to Current Design There’s a decent amount that I would like to change about the current design of the backpack. For starters I would like to do a lot more research on shoulder strap design as the ones I have right now or not very comfortable and they are separated too far apart on…