Student Work

Upycle Final Report: Pop-up LEGO Book

I have been a LEGO fan since I was child. After experiencing various type of LEGO, IDEAS series becomes my favourite. LEGO® Ideas products have been inspired and voted for by LEGO fans. They include original concepts and sets inspired by films! Recently I found there was a new IDAES product released to public –…

Upcycle Report: “Light Box”

Link to my presentation slides: Link to my video presentation :                For my Upcycling project I decided to start the design process by first picking the materials. I had to carboard tubes about to be recycled thus I decided to use those. Then I saved a box I had laying around as…

Upcycle Presentation Post – Book Ends

The URL for my 9min. presentation is.. My overall purpose for this project was to create something that could meet the requirements of this class, but be used in my daily life. I don’t feel like we should upcycle something only to trash it. As a result, I looked around my life at the things…

Upcycle Project: Flower/Spiral Lamp

For my upcycle project I created a lamp with a spiral cardboard base and a floral, coffee filter lampshade. The base was made of a repeating shape that spiraled upward. Each piece was glued together with tacky glue. Shown below the individual pieces are shown and also in-progress pictures of the base being glued together.…

Upcycle Final Report: Board Game

I love most kind of games and I’m addicted to any kind of board game. I started playing board games since I was 3 years old. I play with my friends, siblings, my parents, and my husband. I’m competitive in a good way ( I guess ) and it helped me to be creative. I…

Upcycle Final Report: Cardboard Fire Pit I got my inspiration from all the time I spent this summer around the fire with my friends, and my general affinity for fires. After looking at all the circular designs online, and realizing it would be impossible to print these shapes, I stumbled upon some square fire put designs that could easily…

Upcycle Project Progress

I have kept the switch panel project idea mentioned in my previous post. I am going to make it out of an old piece of HVAC duct. The duct sheet metal is perfect for the project because it is thin enough to be crafted using hand tools, but rigid enough for the final product to…

Upcycle Final Report

Inspiration: The inspiration for my upcycle project was born from necessity and the materials I had available to me. I originally knew that I wanted to turn this assignment into a project that I could use in my daily life. With this thought in mind, I decided I wanted to make a piece of furniture,…

Upcycle Inspiration

The inspiration of my upcycle project was from the Japanese anime The Disastrous Life of Saiki K, which was a very funny anime. The main character Saiki has a pretty interesting appearance. The most eye catching feature of him is the two devices on his head. I think it’d be fun to recreate this specific…

Upcycle Project: Cardboard Tap Handle

Though this upcycle project wasn’t intended to create something functional, I wanted to use it as a challenge to apply an aesthetic to what I want to create for my final project in this class, a beer tap handle. Initially, I was inspired by some posts I’ve seen online of people using their failed 3D…

Upycle Final Report: Planter

Materials The first step in my upcycle project was picking out what materials I would use. After looking around my house, I gathered some cardboard, plywood sheets, twine and a couple of mason jars. After looking at past upcyclying projects for the class I decided that I did not want to use wine or beer…

Upcycle: Kintsugi Final

Project Background Kintsugi is a pottery technique that glorifies imperfection and embraces the cracks that bring us together. The art-form dates back to the Japanese shogun Ashikaga Yoshimasa, who sent sent a piece of pottery back to China to be repaired. After the piece return, lackluster held together with only staples, he decided to have…

Upcycle Presentation

My project has gone through many iterations in an attempt to stick with the purpose of reuse. My idea has centralized around using a wine bottle since I go through many of those and have many sitting around my house. Originally, I was set on making a wine bottle wind chime. This wind chime was…

Movie Night Week 5

The feature this Monday (2.11) will be Modern Times, a look into the chaos of modern life (as of 1936). Credit – International News Photos [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons This film is a silent comedy, it is in black and white, and it features ridiculous machinery that would never actually appear in an industrial…

Upcycle: Scrap Metal / Drawer Organizer

For this project, we were instructed to take a material that would be thrown out and “upcycle” it into an artifact. This project was an opportunity to take my love for reusing materials and apply it in a more structured way than I ever have. Beginning the process of brainstorming was a little difficult. The…

Upcycle Final Report: Candle Holder

The inspiration for my upcycle project initially came from the night sky. I have always found the sky to be very aesthetically pleasing and love the way the stars look against the dark sky. I knew from the very beginning this was something I wanted to incorporate into my project. After thinking about a couple…

Tinfoil Insect Trees

Looking at the materials I’d have available to me for the up-cycling project, I decided to use paperclips and tinfoil. After some brainstorming with friends, I landed on insects as the subject-matter; I felt the wiry nature of the paperclips lent themselves well to the construction of limbs. I also felt it best to take…

Upcycle Inspiration: Paintstick Mirror

The story of how I found my inspiration for this upcycle project is actually kind of ironic. As I was looking around my room for something “repetitive” as mentioned in many upcycle projects, I realized that my room was not very decorated. I did not have a clock, paintings, or anything hanging on my walls.…

Upcycle Presentation Logistics

Here are the Pod Presentation rooms: Upcycle Feb 11 Feb13 Feb15 Pod A ECME 137B DLC 1B65 (kassie) ECCR 150 Pod B ECME 137A ECAD Clark (YC)   ECME 137A Pod C ECOT 317 ECOT 317 ECAE 153 Seebass Pod D ECAE 199 Onizuka ITLL 150   ECCR 150 Backup ECCR 150 ECCR 150 ECCR…

11 Contour Bias vs Cubes

Today we went over Upcycle Presentation logistics (look for a separate post on that), and then continued with sketching practice, specifically cubes, extending to a blocky chair. In contrast, we also started talking about Universal Principles of Design; specifically Contour Bias. Humans react to pointy things with fear and attention, while rounder objects are more…

Upcycle Inspiration

The core of the inspiration for my project comes from my own desire to create sculptural objects that serve a utility but are not ideal for that utility. Their sculptural forms are the largest consideration, but they inform the utility as well. Photo Credit: Tyler de Perrot The utility is better served with something similar…

Upcycle Inspiration/Progress

I have been struggling a lot with coming up with what I will make for this project, or what I will use for it, and I think I have finally decided on making some sort of lamp out of different materials, and maybe trying to mess around with how they emit light to create part…

Upcycle Progress/ Inspiration

My inspiration came from necessity. I simply was in need for a drawer and this project helped me make one with minimum cost. I already have the functionality of my project done. however, I am still working on the aesthetic part. I have three sides that can use some aesthetic design, and if anyone have…

Upcycle Inspiration

As mentioned in my previous post, a lot of my inspiration is the rough design sketches of the ideation phase of product development. With toothpicks in mind as a material, it seemed like a perfect way to represent the rough line-based style with stray lines and hashmark shading in a 3D object. I then thought…

Upcycle Inspirations: Wooden Cup

When I first began my project I wanted something functional, unconventional, and themed around skulls. One, because I want to you this item after this project finishes, two, because I wanted it to be different, and three, I like skulls which is why my first post was on Calaveras. Thinking further I had gotten a…

Upcycle Project: Inspiration and Progress

Last class we created drawings based off given ideas. My team and I worked on creating a drawing that included minimalism and an electric toothbrush. As seen in the image above, I focused on creating the toothbrush while simplifying the overall design. For my upcycle project I will incorporate plastic trash, cardboard, and other resources…

Upcycling Inspiration: Aluminum Cans

One of the first elements of the project that I considered during the design process was material. It is an up-cycle project after all and the main idea here is to create art out of recycle or old materials. For this reason, one of my first instincts was to think about aluminum cans because they…

50’s-Car style Umbrella Stand

This Design came from the combination of a 50’s Car and an umbrella Stand. This specific design was created by Peilin Yang. Currved windshield, Large tailins and the Space Age look of the exhaust pipe indicates the dawning of the Space Age and Space Race in 50’s American. My team/authors: Peilin Yang; Hans Crone; Hogan…

Upcycle Inspiration: Bear with Panda

Blur Bear outside the Colorado Convention Center. (Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite) My upcycle project was firstly inspired by Lawrence Argent’s art work–“I See What You Mean”, also known as the “Big Blue Bear”. I first knew it when attending a acadmic conference in Colorado Convention Center in 2017. Spotted leaning its paws against building facade embodies…

Up-Cycle Inspiration & Progress

As I stated in my last post the key element to the inspiration of my design is the power line insulatior. I felt that the unique look and shape of these objects wouls open up many doors for the design of my upcycle project. In addition the up-cycle project made for a great oprotunity to…

Upcycling inspiration: Religious Mosaics

In the beginning of January I was on a trip to Washington DC, while there I had the opportunity to visit the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Contained within the walls of this building were a lot of beautiful pieces of art, astounding architecture, and amazing mosaics. Such as the mosaics…

Upcycle Inspiration

When I first began brainstorming ideas for this project, I drew a lot of inspiration from saved posts on my Instagram account. I follow several product design accounts and I am frequently saving posts which I find visually appealing. I stumbled across the works of Associated Architects Beyond Borders work with a very fluid and…

Upcycle Inspirations: Malignant Speakers

After making a pattern of lids last week, I had cemented an image of a sort -of chandelier of repeated circles. Prof. Hertzberg and I have been preparing for an educational demo of flow visualization for the Expanding Your Horizons event, tailored to creative preteens. This will be the second time that I put on…

Upcycle Progress/Inspiration

This week has been hands on for me, I have been making my upcycling project but I don’t know the meaning of it just yet. I built a cardboard frame and I am filling the sides with cut up cardboard tubes. In total I used about a quarter of my latest amazon order box, four…

Upcycle Inspiration: Speaker Landscape

For my upcycle project, I wanted to make use of a broken bluetooth speaker and make a landscape on top of it. My inspiration behind this project is when I kept seeing those miniature cities in movies, and I always wondered how cool they are on a large, 3-D scale. nb My original intent for…

Upcycle Inspiration: Spiral Staircase

As I mentioned in my last blog post, the base of my lamp is inspired by a spiral staircase. The spiral staircase I was directly inspired by was from a DIY (Do it yourself) video,, by Ben Uyeda on Facebook I saw a couple of months ago (You can find Ben Uyeda and his…

Upcycle Inspiration: Kintsugi

My first encounter with kintsugi was through a creator’s video on the subject matter. Nerdwriter1 is an amazing Youtube creator and storyteller who’s deep dive makes for ultra-interesting content. The video below gives the background on the origin of the aesthetic along with some great visuals and some deeper thought into the method. Mending the…

Upcycle Inspiration: Fabric

After thinking more about my up-cycling project, I decided to let the fabric inspire me into a sketch that makes it serve a purpose. While looking at the clothings I had, I felt the Sherpa jacket lining was begging me to reincarnate it as a polar bear. I then quickly started sketching the bear. I…

Upcycle progress/final report

In my last post, I mostly explained what a zoetrope is and briefly about why I chose the zoetrope over my other up-cycle project ideas. In this post I would like to document the process I went through to build the zoetrope. The reason I chose the zoetrope was due to my fascination of our…

Upcycle Inspiration

The inspiration for my upcycle project was born from necessity and the materials I had available to me. I originally knew that I wanted to turn this assignment into a project that I could use in my daily life. With this thought in mind, I decided I wanted to make a piece of furniture, either…

Upcycle Inspiration: Board Game

CAD Model of Jakaroo Board Game I love most kind of games and I’m addicted to any kind of board game. I started playing board games since I was 3 years old. I play with my friends, siblings, my parents, and my husband. I’m competitive in a good way ( I guess ) and it…

Upcycle Inspiration: Silverware Holder

[1] My main focus for this upcycle project was to build something useful that adds a beautiful touch to my kitchen. I really enjoy cooking and having an organized kitchen is really important to me. Therefore, I started to look at different upcycle projects and I was inspired by the amazing design shown in the…

10 Aesthetics Game

Today the teams played the Aesthetics Game. The names of artifacts and aesthetics were drawn at random from a hat, and teams then sketch versions of the resulting mashup. For examples of what happened see The popular favorite was the Disney Princess Flathead Screwdriver Lecture notes: 10 Aesthetics GameDownload

UpCycle Inspiration: Bright Board 2.0

My initial thought process for my project started with me looking around my room for something that I could re purpose into a cool design. I definitely wanted to focus on the design over the function for this project so that gave me the liberty to make just about anything. I am currently working on…

Upcycle Inspo

The inspiration for my project came mostly from the materials I had. It is interesting to think back on the project because I never really had that “ah ha!” moment when searching for ideas. I knew which materials I wanted to use and my inspiration more or less came from there. I then researched industrial…

Upcycle Project Inspiration

For my up-cycle project, I’m making a I was inspired by lots of different examples of parametric design I had seen on the internet, but this light fixture designed by a studio called Path caught my eye. It looked like a technique I could replicate with my own design, and I could easily incorporate my…

Upcycle Inspiration

I was inspired by many kinds of aesthetics that I saw as I was growing up in California. Because of the touristy nature of California in general, I saw many types of “Beachy art”. These types of art pieces often incorporated shells of some type as well as different types of seaglass and driftwood. These…

Insect Inspirations

With this upcycling project I had no specific inspirations, in terms of what motivated me to chose this sculpture topic and style, other than the constraints of the materials I had available to me, and some discussions with friends about what I could do with said materials. However, as I’ve progressed with the construction of…

Aesthetics Game – Qipao Footwear

Contributors Include: Clare Bork, Hadeel Al Gallaf, and Shen Shu We were assigned with choosing an aesthetic and figuring out what it represented. For our group, we chose Chinese Qipao and Footwear. We chose to design a collette heel with floral patterns, a sneaker with flowers, and a sandal that had curved edges. Overall, we…

Aesthetic Game: Team 8

Team 8: Luke, Shalil, and Josh For this game we picked out 2 slips of paper; one with an aesthetic and one with an object. The papers we picked were “Las Vegas Casino” and “Cafe Chair and Table Set”. The first idea we had was a cafe scene with a chair made to look like…

Andrew and Aziz Aesthetics Theme Game

We received shoe horn and Japanese motorcycles for our object and aesthetic. For this post, we will discuss how we designed our shoe horn with this aesthetic in mind and what our final product will look like We started by looking at how we could incorporate the motorcycle into our design more literally than figuratively.…

Flat -Head Princess

This aesthetic came from the combination of a screwdriver and Disney princesses. This specific design was created by Tyler Cagle and is basically a screwdriver dressed in a princesses outfit. Conrad Trybus had a very similar design to Tyler’s but we chose to use Tyler’s design for the blog post. My design consisted of a…

Team 1 Aesthetics Game

Our team, comprised of Max Buechler, Yousef AlQattan, and Abdulrahman Alnoaim, was given the object of a bedside table with the aesthetic of Telefoni Bianchi. The design of this mashup that we came up with can be seen below: This aesthetic comes from a style of Italian movies from the 1930’s. These movies captured the…

Upcycle Inspiration: Pennies

As the years drag on, the value of a penny has increasingly gone down as natural inflation decreases the value of a note. In the 1950’s a penny had value and was commonly used in transactions. Today however, if given three cents back in change, many people will not take it or just donate it…

Upcycle Inspiration: Fire Pit

For my upcycle project, I am making a fire pit out of cardboard. I got my inspiration from all the time I spent this summer around the fire with my friends, and my general affinity for fires. After looking at all the circular designs online, and realizing it would be impossible to print these shapes,…

UpCycle Inspiration/Progress

The post that I made last week spoke a little about my progress in decision making, but more about my inspiration. Referencing my previous post, my inspiration spurred from a steampunk aesthetic. Being a mechanical engineer, gears and mechanical components as a form of interior design seems fascinating. As a result, I decided to incorporate…

Upcycle Inspiration

The inspiration for my upcycle project came from these light projectors. Specifically, the green light shown above on the left. I have a family friend that uses one of these inside his home, right when you enter the house, so it looks like a cool, night sky scene. I have always loved the way the…

Upcycle Inspiration

As I discussed in my previous blog posts my inspiration behind my upcycle project is based on this T-shirt. My product will most likely just be a plain white tee with a white draw string. I am most likely going to sew from the outside of the shirt because I am into the urban type…

Upcycle Progress

Source: My First post was about my thinking process about this project. After thinking a lot. I decided to use some o the bottles I have as flower vases. This idea I found while searching for innovations for utilizing empty bottles. Also, I am planing to add some decorations to the bottles such as…

Upcycling Final Report

My vision for this project was to make something that I could use every day. The expectation for something that I put my time into is that it must be something that I can either build off of, or learn from. My artistic vision was an item that would incorporate more than two materials. Most…

Up-cycle Progress: Inspiration

The inspiration of this project came from my house key. I was fumbling around with where to put it in my room, and came across my cable holder and a cork. I started brainstorming and flipping through pins on Pinterest to find projects that people had done with corks for keys or reminders. The two…