Student Work

Jae’s Skill sets and personal aspirations

I think I copied one’s drawing, but I don’t remember.Please leave a comment if you know. My mother was an art teacher. so I have some basic drawing skills and love to create things. However, I never took art seriously and forgot about it since high school art elective class(drawing to get a grade). During…

Skill Sets and Aspirations

I am in my fifth and final year here at the University of Colorado at Boulder and I’m currently in the process of obtaining my Master’s of Applied Sciences degree in mechanical engineering. I have just completed the credit hours for my Bachelor’s and I also completed those required for my engineering entrepreneurship certificate. During…

Skill Sets & Personal Aspirations

I’m a senior studying mechanical engineering with a minor in business and entrepreneurship. Through my experience in the ME Department I’ve gained experience using 3D modeling programs, coding in MATLAB, and using Engineering Equation Solver (EES) for complicated homework problems. Overall improving my problem solving skills. I’ve also gained experience using mills, lathes, and welding…

Skill Sets/Personal Aspirations

I have a lot of experience in working with various hands on tools like mills, saws, sanders, grinders, drills, and now even some lathe experience. I haven’t used the CNC tools as much as the hands on. I’m decent at using Solid Works but that’s the only software for CADing that I am familiar with.…

Skill Sets & Personal Aspirations

Over the course of 4 years of college in the ME department and participating in some research programs, I have acquired many skill sets. I have moderate understanding of machining, welding and manufacturing processes. I have an analytical personality, which helped me sharpen my skills in data gathering, analysis and problem solving. As a mechanical…

Skill Sets and Personal Aspirations

Similar to many of the other posts for tonight, many of my skills revolve around the Mechanical Engineering curriculum here at CU Boulder. As a senior, I have many diverse skills ranging from classes like Thermodynamics and Fluids to specific things like CAD and manufacturing. Despite having experience in these areas, I find that I…

Skill sets and personal aspirations 2019

I’m a mechanical engineering student in my senior year. First of all, I’m inspired by my father who’s an electrical engineer and he does a lot of projects by himself. He did a lot of awesome home projects with aesthetic designs, electrical and mechanical. He actually loved the board game I made so much that…

Skill Sets and Personal Aspirations

As a senior in mechanical engineering, I possess many of the same skills as other students in this class. These skills include 3D modeling, problem-solving and working in the machine shop. What I believe sets me apart is my large amount of experience and passion for working with my hands and creating things. Throughout my…


I am capable of operating these machines: MillLatheLaser CutterFDM printer (3D printer)Inkjet PrinterHot Air GunHot Air Popcorn PopperTable SawSoldering IronCurling IronMig WelderScrew GunNail GunSquirt GunRiveterTubing BenderTubing notcherChain BreakerLikely Something Else I’ve Forgotten My personal aspirations this semester are as follows (and in no particular order) Improve my understanding of the operation of a bass ampDesign…

Skillsets and Personal Aspirations: Luke Collier

Hello! From my perspective, math, engineering, and art could not be more inseparable. Ever since I was a child, I have gotten involved with art installations, primarily in Zometool (Denver Art Museum), but my dad introduced me to woodshop tools as well. I have a CSWP in SolidWorks and proficient experience in Blender3D and Gimp…

Skills and Career Aspiration

Like many of the students in this class my skills are what you would typically expect from a senior mechanical engineering student. However, everybody has strengths and weaknesses I believe I am better suited in design and manufacturing rather than analysis and research in the mechanical engineering world. My calculus and mathematical solving skills are…

Skillset and Goals

I am primarily a graphic designer, having worked in Illustrator since I was in about fourth grade. I currently hold a part time job on campus doing graphic designer working in programs like Illustrator and Photoshop, but also do graphic design for the band I’m in, and the band a friend i knew high school…

Skill Sets and Personal Aspirations

I am pretty sure that this post is for us to explain our skills so that our partners will understand what we can help them with during their project for the rest of the semester as well as to explain what we might need during our projects. Skills: I have done a lot of SolidWorks…

Skill Sets and Personal Aspirations

During the last year of my curriculum as a mechanical engineer, I have realized that it is not what I’m truly passionate about. A little too late, right? I found myself more drawn to artistic majors such as graphic design, architecture and photography. I’ve always had interest in such topics, however, I’ve never thought about…

13 Supernormal Stimuli

Today we went over the schedule for the rest of the semester, then takeaways from the Upcycle project, saw a short UPD video on Supernormal Stimuli, and did a bit more cube sketching Lecture 13 Supernormal StimuliDownload

Skill Sets & Personal Aspirations

I am a mechanical engineering student currently in my senior year. Throughout my undergraduate career I have learned many new skills from coding to fabrication. I am particularly good at building things once I’ve thought out it’s design, I usually like incorporating math into my designs as I find it to be helpful when I…

Skills, Personal Aspirations

I have a lot of general “shop” experience – I know how to use power tools and how to work with metal and wood, simply put. This comes mostly out of necessity: if something needs to be fixed, I’d rather do it myself than leave it to someone else. Outside of general DIY experience, I…

Skills and Aspirations

Being a senior in Mechanical engineering here at CU, I have all the experience that comes with the curriculum. Of the skills that we have learned, my personal favorite has been Solidworks, and have had some work experience with it as well as some small personal fun projects, as seen in the featured image. I…

Skill Sets & Personal Aspirations -Ibrahim Alhajji

I am a MS in mechanical engineering student. I graduated BS with a petroleum and natural gas engineering degree. I worked for 4 years in petroleum company. Graduating with a petroleum engineering taught me fluid movement. My previous experience helped to sharpen my research skills where I had to search for answers myself when I…

Skill Sets and Personal Aspirations

I love to design basically anything I can. Specifically, I love to design layouts, ads, websites, logos and brands. I am a junior studying media design with a minor in TAM, so I don’t have any experience when it comes to engineering and physically building things. What I do have experience in is how to…

Skill Sets and Personal Aspirations

I am a master student in Mechanical Engineering. This is my first semester. Before this I was working a Rockymounts as a product engineer. Working there I got a lot of experience with designing plastic, aluminum and steel parts. However I was having a hard time doing industrial designs. I think this is a common…

Skill Sets and Personal Aspirations

Since beginning my undergraduate education, I’ve built many of the typical “engineering” skills that most mechanical engineering students have, from CAD modeling to 3D printing to coding and electronics. Outside of the classroom, I’ve taken some classes and built skills in entrepreneurship and marketing, which I hope will help me towards my ideal career path.…

Skill Sets and Personal Aspirations

I am a mechanical engineering student currently in the BS/MS program. I have all the fundamental skills of a CU mechanical engineering student with high proficiencies in Matlab, SolidWorks, Excel, machining, system dynamics and integration. I also have experience using Photoshop, coding in C/C++, and building artistic projects. I really enjoy working with others to…

Skills and Aspirations: Hogan Auyeung

As a senior pursuing my mechanical engineering degree, I have built up an arsenal of skills and personal aspirations. From analytical capabilities to hands on technical experience, the mechanical engineering program has allowed me to refine my skills. Many of the courses I’ve taken have taught me how to analyze any situation and apply my…

Skill Sets and Personal Aspirations

I’m a second-year master student in Mechanical Engineering focusing on building environment and energy consumption. I have strong knowledge about mechanical system as well as geometry design of constructions. AutoCAD, SketUp and Rhino are my common design software and have entry-level skill about using Leaser cut and 3D printer in ITLL. But for 3D industry…

Skillsets and Personal Aspirations

I love to design and build things that are as functional as they are aesthetically pleasing, and it’s why originally decided to study mechanical engineering. I’ve since switched to the TAM program in order to take a more artistic and creative approach to design and engineering. I love to try and look at problems from…

Skill Set and Aspirations

Being an engineer my skill set consists of everything learned from classes and projects. This includes, but is not limited to, CAD, 3D printing, laser cutting and any machine used throughout the past few years. In my spare time I try to work on small projects of my own, workout, shoot archery, or learn a…

Personal Skill Sets

What I learned in Engineering/Here’s what I’ve got: As an engineer at CU Boulder, we all take the same classes, all do the homework, and all complete similar projects. However, it’s what we do in our free time that makes us unique in the workplace and on teams. As an engineer, I have had few…

Skills and Aspirations: Hussam Alzahrani

Through my degree, my current skill sets and personal aspirations have been developing throughout the years. I consider myself a fast learner and an analytical observer. These skills helped me shape up my perspective and helps me with my work ethic. I think my skills are influenced by the climate around me, whether it’s my…

Skills and Aspirations

I’d say my most useful skill is the ability to think creatively and problem-solve. I’m somewhat trained in the traditional areas of engineering, though I’m much more comfortable with more artistic mediums. Visual media especially, is where I find myself most engaged. Though, I also believe I’m a strong writer, or at least, very comfortable…

Skill Sets and Personal Aspirations As a senior mechanical engineering student, I have skills typically related to engineering. These include skills such as Solidworks, Matlab, and manufacturing. However, I also possess strong engineering management skills that I intend to use in my professional career following graduation. I have always been a very organized person and pride myself on that,…

Skills and Aspirations: Andrew Oliver

My skill set relates mostly to my engineering background. As a Mechanical Engineer with a Computer Science minor, I have experience with milling, 3D printing, electronics, coding, laser cutting and modeling in SolidWorks. I work as a research assistant in a robotics lab, where I have refined my electronics and coding skills. I have a…

Skill Sets and Personal Aspiration

My name is Abdul and I am a senior in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Engineering Management. Throughout my career at CU Boulder, I have developed many skills in areas that I wasn’t familiar with before. I worked on different project during the four years I spent in Boulder. Those projects vary from electrical…

Personal Aspirations and Skills

I have a broad skill set in computer work like Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, 3D modeling and printing, Arduino coding and implementation, and more. I also have a good eye for detail and a steady hand for artistic things like painting and drawing. I am not strong in my knowledge of the…

Skill Sets and Aspirations: Shalil Jain

As a mechanical engineer major here at CU, I posses many of the same skills that the University has taught me as well as other fellow students. I have a proficiency in SolidWorks and knowing how to look at a problem and attack it in a logic format. I like being creative when designing things…

Skill sets and personal aspirations

When I am not doing engineering work, I am taking photos. I do consider photography a type of art form. It shows how you look at objects and your perspective of the objects. I believe I am a good photographer, but I have a million more things to learn, but a lot of time to…

Skill Sets and Personal Aspirations

My skill sets as an engineer may be unsurprising for many people. I have experiences with machining, coding, electronics, 3D printing, laser cutting, and Solidworks. These are all skills that I have learned in my classes and have practiced in projects and internships. In addition, I have many interpersonal skills from working in customer engineering…

Upcycling: Design Process

My design process began with the material I knew I wanted to use: fragments of a porcelain mug. After some research I decided to transform the fragments into jewelry. The design I created was based on the fragments natural broken shape, and was composed of two earrings and a necklace. The bulk of the design…

Movie Night Week 6

The film being screened this week is Jacques Tati’s 1958 Mon Oncle. The film takes a look into the juxtaposition of modern France with old France. My work in my BFA was heavily influenced and inspired by the sound design for this film. Tati was always known for informative expository sound design in otherwise silent…

Upcycle Final Report: Speakers

Inspiration: After making a three-dimensional pattern of lids, I had cemented an image of a sort-of chandelier of repeated circles. In addition, Prof. Hertzberg and I will be putting on a demo of Dancing Oobleck. We will use an industry-standard shaker table for the final demonstration, but it got me thinking about if I have…

Upcycle Final Report: helmet

I started the project with the focus on the keyword “upcycle”: to find something that had been laying around in my apartment without being used and were highly likely to end up in the trash in the near future. I found a helmet which belonged to my roommate with defects on it (the visor was…

Upcycle Final Report: Speaker Landscape

My Inspiration:My Inspiration for this project came from a New York Times [1] Article I once read on the newspaper one time. Although I don’t remember the date, I remember the topic. It was about the versatile use of miniature-style art, and how they can be used as a nice piece to look at. Corporate…

Upcycle Final Report

I recommend to read this after my presentation if you are watching my presentation. I made my kitchen glove that can avoid injury and mainly odor from garlic or chili. Also, the oil from spicy vegetables can hurt your eyes if you touch your eyes. If you are a home cook and wear contact lenses,…

Upcycle Final Report: Island

For my upcycle project I created an image with upcycled materials. I used plastic bottles to create an ocean and symbolize the problem with ocean plastic and the detrimental effects it plays on the ecosystem. I created an image of an island using cardboard, paper, and artificial leaves to overall create a palm tree. It…

Upcycled Skyline: Final Report

For my project, I essentially wanted to create a project that was based on something we throw away very often, especially here in Boulder. So immediately, I thought of bottle caps! I found two upcycle ideas that I was truly torn between. One of them was this idea of using bottle caps to create some…

Upcycle Final Report: Bright Board

Featured below are my initial sketches for the project. I did not include all of these sketches as we have also done a work in progress post that displays the rest of the ideas that I considered. Some of the inspiration for this project is featured below as well. The primary aesthetic that I wanted…

Upcycle Final Report: Drawer

Vision and inspiration: For my up-cycle project, I decided to create a drawer out of cardboard. My inspiration came from necessity. I simply was in need for a drawer and this project helped me make one with minimum cost. It was also because I had all the materials needed to create the product. Moreover, I…

Upcycle Final Report: Paintstick Mirror

For my upcycle project, I created a piece that doubles as a mirror and an art piece for my room. My room started out very empty and with no decorations at all. My inspiration came from that emptiness of my walls so I decided to fill it with a paintstick mirror. These are the only…

Upcycling Final Report: Aluminum Can Flower

Inspiration: Much of the inspiration of this project arose from the large amounts of aluminum can projects that are out there. A simple google search on the aluminum can art provided many sources of ideas and inspiration. People have made cars, animals, flowers, furniture, and many more from simply using aluminum cans. For this specific…

Upcycle Final Report: Silverware Holder

Inspiration [1] My main focus for this upcycle project was to build something useful that adds a beautiful touch to my kitchen. I really enjoy cooking and having an organized kitchen is really important to me. Therefore, I started to look at different upcycle projects and I was inspired by the amazing design shown in…

Upcycle Final Report: Fabric

Material For my upcycling project, I chose to work with old clothes that I had laying around my closet. I’m used to painting of canvases, therefore using fabric as building unit was difficult specially having a limited color palette. I chose to use a Styrofoam board as a base to attach all the fabric on.…

Coaster Collage

For my upcycle project I decided to create something for my Dad that he could keep forever and that would add to his bar aesthetic. While traveling through Europe for my study abroad experience I visited many, many bars and got to experience the different drinking styles of these countries. I found that many drink…

Draw-String T-Shirt

This is the final product. The image above is the aesthetic I chose to create and is a draw string t-shirt. Below I will go over the process of creation. First… Gather shoe lace and shirt. Second… Cut shoe lace in half. Third… Cut hole in the middle of the shirt. Fourth… Put safety pin…

Upcycle Final: Jewelry from a mug

For my final product I made upcycled porcelain jewelry from a mug I had recently broken. They happened to be about the right size that I wanted for a necklace and an earring. To create the holes I wanted to use a hand drill, and sand paper to smooth out the edges and get the…

Upcycle Project – Final Product

Here’s my final design for the upcycle project, an LED lamp made from laser cut sections of wood veneer. The earlier stages of my design process are documented on previous blogs, so I’ll pick up where the last one left off. I went to assemble the paper prototype that I made, and quickly realized that…

Upcycle Final: Switch Panel

My upcycling project was made both to fulfill the assignment requirement of this class and to be a part of a personal project I have. I created a switch panel for mounting multiple toggle switches. The switch panel is intended to be installed on a wall. If you read my previous upcycle project design process…

Upcycle Project Final Post

My aesthetic is something that I am defining as Chaotic. There is hardly order in the structure of what visually makes up this lampshade. What you see on the outside are pointed leaves of multicolored paper shrouding the light in a way that has no pattern. Light is able to peek through at random spots…

Upcycle Final Report: Wine Rack

Vision and Inspiration  For my upcycle project, I decided to make a wine rack. My inspiration came form the Industrial aesthetic. I really liked how in the aesthetic, there were aspects of an unfinished look, neutral colors, weathered wood and steel. I then started exploring furniture/decorations within the industrial aesthetic. What stuck out to me…

Upcycle Final Report: Pennies

Utilization of pennies in an art installation can be extremely pleasing due to the varying colors of copper and the shape of the penny. When used in a linear pattern placement like the final product, they can create wonderful designs. As discussed in the video presentation, the final design was chosen to look like a…

Upcycle Final Report: Balancing Wine Holder

For my project I wanted to create something that would be useful in my everyday life while still conforming to my personal style. I didn’t just want some more clutter that I would eventually throw away. I wanted something that would show who I am and what my interests are. credit: credit:  credit:…

Upcycle Final Report – Ibrahim Alhajji

For this project I decided to decorate glass bottles and use them as flower vases. based on my first post, my design process started by brain storming and looking for appealing ideas. The first challenge I face was to find the materials for the ideas I liked. After a lot of thinking and brainstorming, I…

Upcycling Final Report: LEGO Mosaic

The process of this project began with the researching the aesthetic of the mosaic. Which traces its roots back to the ancient world, such as in Greece, capturing the stories from their mythology. [1] Poseidon From ancient Greece, the style was continued on throughout the Roman empire, eventually finding its way into several different religious…

Upcycle Final Report: Monument

The final product Preliminary Design and Inspiration For this particular project, I wanted to focus exclusively on the aesthetics of my final product. I had no particular inspiration for what I wanted to do, but I did know what materials I planned on using. In addition, I wanted to incorporate a handful of different aesthetics, those being…

Upcycle Final Report: Wooden Cup

To begin this project I thought about which material I wanted to use. I wanted something that gave me a lot room for creativity and didn’t push me into a certain style. I also thought about what functionality do I want to get out of this project and not make something that has no purpose…