Student Work

Design Review Part 1: Tripod Chair

Fabrication Plans For the fabrication process, I plan on buying the materials needed which will be listed below. Once I have all materials purchased, I plan to start fabrication by drilling hole through each wooden dowel so that I can insert the bolts though them to create the structure for the legs. After this, I’ll…

Design Review: Industrial Furniture

The vision for my project began pretty simply. I wanted to create something that I would keep and use down the road and not just something for this class that I will forget about after May. The use part was also important to me as I wanted it to be something that is used for…

Top 5 Constraints: Pipe Furniture

For my project idea of creating furniture out of industrial pipe, I will have to contend with a number of challenges. The first constraint I will need to deal with will be financial. I want to create this project out of threaded pipe in order to ensure structural stability but the cost of using a…

Main Project: Design Review Part 1

My main project for this course will be modifying an old snowboard I have with LED lights that will change color with different motion of the snowboard. My inspiration for this project came from videos I have seen of other people adding LED lights to their gear for night skiing. All of the other versions…

Top 5 Constraints 2020

My top 5 constraints: Too much money. Normally, disc golf carts run around $280 and they do not offer much creativity. Manufacturing; I am not the best at welding and so I will have to look for alternative ways to build my cart Functionality; with only a couple of weeks to design, manufacture, and tweek;…

Design Review Part 1

Working on my project, I was able to come up with the frame and full list of bill of materials and measurements for my Disc Golf Cart. I decided to use T-joint extrusions (80/20) which is easy to assemble together. I first started out measuring my disc golf bag that I will be held by…

Design Review Part II – Steampunk Headphone Stand


Design Review Part I – Steampunk Headphone Stand

Design Review Part 1 – “What” Inspiration and Existing Design – The main inspiration for this project was my aim to build a functional product matching my daily need. After identifying a specific need, I decided on building a headphone stand. For reference I searched for existing designs online, and discovered a common aspect in…

Timeline and Logistics: Floral Automata

COVID-19 Update Despite planning and prototyping a large automaton, the restrictions on the machine shop have encouraged me to focus on something that I can do at my own home, which only has basic hand tools (small hand saw, drill, etc). This means that I am only going to focus on the hanging mobile aspect…

Main Project Design Review Part One:

For my main project I aimed to create a “Cardboard Grabber”. Basically I am aiming to extend my reach, increase the surface area of my “hand”, and to retain grip strength on objects. The device would serve in Halloween costumes such as Iron Man or re-decorated to look like Hulk Hands or monster claws. In…

Wooden Speaker Enclosure

  This is my plan for the project going forward. I am planning on using pine wood or particle board with a veneer. The goal is to keep a fairly natural look for the project. The speaker shown below is trapezoidal in shape and features three separate chambers: a stereo left sealed , center ported…

Design Review Part 1 – night stand

 For my previous project, my inspirations began with an aesthetic I wanted, and then I used materials that were given to me.  It felt mildly disastrous, given that I hadn’t factored in any contingency plans, and the materials continuously acted differently than I had expected.  Due to so many surprises from the first project, I…

Rotating Shelving-

Inspirations: Bramble and Hare Restaurant Vision: After my preliminary review and the destruction that is COVID-19, I am unable to physically complete this project this semester and therefore will be turning in a final rendering of this item. Some of the comments and suggestions that I am contemplating are adding chicken wire to ensure…

Rotating shelving- Constraints

This project is challenging because it has a couple of constraints balance- the baskets/shelves need to hang almost at the top so that they pivot in a way where they are inclined to stay face up. This originally caused difficulty in designing when I came to realize that the original Bramble and Hare design had…

Design Review 2020 Part 1: Desk Lamp

Aesthetic Inspiration As explained in my previous posts, I decided to create something similar to the laser cut wooden desk lamp shown below as Figure 1. Figure 1. Futuristic desk lamp [1] creating a cascade design from laser cut wood I would also like to add a metallic silver paint to the wooden panels that…

Top 5 Constraints: Reading table

1: Stability Nothing irritates me more than a wobbly table, if the table I made was wobbly there is a good chance I would not use it. To combat this I will use 3 legs giving it a stable base. I plan on using pipe for the legs and because of this there are plenty…

Design Review Part 1

I decided to make an acrylic sword that is inspired by this youtube video. For the design of my sword I decided to go with the Elucidator from the Anime, “Sword Art online”. I managed to find a photo of the sword below which actually has a template. The sword is to be laser…

Top 5 Constraints – Drink Maker

The largest constraint on this project is going to be time… Theres really not much of it. My project is very multi-faceted. Im going to need to construct the shell itself, figure out the placement of the containers, insulate the box as well as figure out a cooling system for the drinks, set up the…

Design Review 2020 Part 1: Electrical Guitar

I. INTRODUCTION For the final project of the course MCEN 5228: Aesthetics of Design, I will be making an electrical guitar, or more specifically, making the body (figure 1) and reusing components of an old electrical guitar. It is dynamic in that it can be operated onto and it produces a reflecting sound through electrical…

Top 5 Constraints: Animated Video Game Stories

For my final project, I intend to create an animation showcasing a video game story in a child. There are several constraints regarding this project. Time The most major constraint of this animation is going to be the large amounts of time required to create an animation. Animations are incredibly slow in nature to create,…

Top 5 Constraints

To get everyone up to speed: I’m hoping to develop music visualizations through fractals using python3. I’m hoping to generate various types of fractals. There exist a variety of constraints related to video editing: Music synchronization. This is probably my  largest concern related to this project. I am currently able to output images at a…

Kawaii Mood Rings – Detailed Plans p.1 – What

My main project is a desktop toy that will consist of three independently rotating concentric rings, with each of the rings holding different elements, again playing up the Kawaii aesthetic. The outer and middle rings will have holders for mylar buttons, the outer ring having buttons of ~1” diameter, and the middle having 1.25” diameters.…

Detailed Plans: Floral Automata

Aesthetic Inspiration I have drawn aesthetic inspiration specifically from the artist, Rebecca Louise Law, and the movie, Midsommar.  For Rebecca Louise Law, I plan to incorporate her ideas of falling flowers. I specifically like it when she uses flowers that have not dried out too much and are still very vibrant. I also like the…

Design Review Part 1: Dopamine Interactive Apparel

Inspirations For my main project this semester, I will be pursing wearable technology. For the functionality of the artifact I was first inspired by a collaboration with Levis and Google. Together, they designed a jacket for bicycle commuters that utilized conductive thread to recognize hand gestures. This meant you could control basic aspects of your…

Design Review 2020 Part 1: Water Clock

Water Clock Introduction The aesthetic I am going for For this project, I will be developing a clock/timer that is controlled by droplets of water. The idea here is to incorporate water and electronics and invoke that sense of uneasiness, yet also provide the calmness of falling water. The device will consist of a white or…

Top 5 Constraints: Gears and Stuff

As a quick refresher: The goal of my project is to create a puzzle box with a focus on moving gears. This small puzzle should test spatial and logical problem solving skills while maintaining a satisfying mechanical aesthetic. 1.) Template Design Leading in from my last laser cutting project, I’m still learning Inkscape in order…

Main Project Constraints: Magic Mirror

While a lot of my project seems do-able, there are constraints in every project. So lets get into what I’m thinking my constraints will be while making a magic mirror: Money – This project requires a computer monitor, two-way glass, a raspberry-pi, and wood for the frame. The cheapest monitor I could find was around $80…

Top 5 Constraints

My Top 5 constraints for the main project go as follows: Know How- I am limited by my knowledge and experience with Arduino and building circuits. For my project I plan on using an Arduino to control neopixel strips that are located all over the jacket in the shape of hearts. The neopixels will pulse…

Coffee Capsules Holder – 5 Constraints

For my coffee capsules holder design, I have some constraints that I need to take into consideration to achieve the idea in my head. The constraints are as follow: 1- Aesthetic For this project, I decided to have a modern and luxurious aesthetic. To achieve that, I am planning on buying some fine material that…

Design Constraints – Wood propeller

The following post will describe the 5 main design constraints I intend to follow when making my wooden replica propeller. These constraints will serve to guide my project toward my desired outcome of creating a realistic retro replica propeller. The first constraint I plan to follow is the aesthetic of my project. I want to…

Top 5 Constraints: Sterling Engine

While there will be many challenges with this project here are my considered top 5 constraints for the sterling engine project. Mechanical Precision. For this project functionality is everything. This is a very dynamic product and if it does not work it will be a total failure. The hardest part in getting a sterling engine…

Speaker Enclosure: 5 Design / Build Constraints

  Constraint 1: Cost of remaining materials Because I already have most of the materials from last year when I started thinking about doing this project, I don’t have a ton left to purchase. The three main things that I need are: power connectors ($14), bluetooth amplifier ($35) and wood (the cost is going to…

Main Project: Top 5 Constraints

Moving forward with the chicken wire framing and construction, there are a few constraints, as there are with all projects, I need to consider: 1) Material and Structure The biggest constraint moving forward is developing the actual structure of the owl sculpture. There are a ton of different ways I can go about creating the…

Top 5 Constraints: Electrical Guitar

Constraint 1: Design Aesthetic Building off of last week, the original intention was to have a streamline and matte black aesthetic combination or a Dia de Los Muertos type electrical guitar design. But the aesthetic, for the most part, will depend on the other constraints in this week’s post namely Materials, Budget/Time and Manufacturing. The…

Cycling jacket: Top Constraints

To be honest, I was struggling to find ideas about aesthetics to focus on for my chosen main project: a packable cycling rain/wind jacket. I even considered pivoting to a whole new project. Thanks to Prof Hertzberg, who gave me some ideas and direction, I started exploring the aesthetic to include in this project and…

Top Five Constraints – Cardboard Grabber

Cost Possibly the greatest challenge I face with each and every one of these projects. My goal is to create the best version of the project possible that costs the least amount of dollars. The more money I spend on this project, the easier it will be to fabricate. Yet I am limiting myself to…

Top 5 Constraints- Steampunk Headphone Stand

For my main project these are the top 5 constraints – Design – The design of my project is pretty straightforward, but when it comes to executing it, it’s comparatively difficult. The key challenge for the design is to implement all the design aspects i.e. the skull, the pipes and the bulb. The important things…

Octopus Statue: Top 5 Constraints

1) Cost I would like to spend as little amount of money as possible on some of the more basic aspects of the statue that way I can spend more money on things such as lights or joints. To help get through this I will try to reuse as many materials as possible 2) Aesthetics …

Main Project: Top 5 Constraints

As I focus on the minimalist aesthetic for my project, I am finding these specific aspects of the project to be my top 5 constraints. Material Choice: Choosing what material I use will ultimately decide the quality and appearance of the final product, so choosing this product, color, and making sure I buy enough of…

Final Project Aesthetic: Modernism

For my final project, I have been really struggling with what to define as my aesthetic. I decided to go with minimalism- an art form that came from modernism. The modernism movement is typically known as a period of exploration, rationality, clarity, and purpose. This aesthetic began around the 1900’s, and was driven by passion…

Top 5 Constraints: LED Snowboard

My project utilizes many electronic components that I have not had a lot of working experience with. My first constraint is in the LED lights that I am using. They require a 12 volt supply and this will require more circuitry than just an Arduino. This also means that I will need to some form…

Interactive Apparel: Top 5 Constraints

For my project I will be creating interactive LED apparel. The project will require capacitive touch sensors and LED strips. As the development progress continues, it is important to determine the most significant constraints on the artifact. Aesthetic   Aesthetic constitutes a large constraint for this project. I will be utilizing flat design for…

Top 5 Constraints: Lamps and Clock

1) Cost I’d like to get nice hard wood like oak or cherry to cut my lamp heads out of, but getting high quality chunks of wood in the size I need presents a challenge. I will need to shop discounts and comparisons to get the size of wood I need within my budget. I…

Main Project Inspiration 2020: Epoxy Resin Art

  Epoxy resin is a class of reactive prepolymers that when combined with a hardener, molds into a solid plastic.  This resin can react with various other materials, including other epoxy resins to create beautiful works of art.  I have been exposed to epoxy resin during my earlier years at CU Boulder, in my freshman…

Top 5 Constraints: Desk Toy

As with any project, there are always constraints that need to be considered in order to create a completed product and achieve the desired vision. Listed below, in no particular order, are the top five constraints that came to mind when considering the next phases of my desk toy project. 1) Shape/Size I aim to…

Top 5 Constraints: Automata

Engineering + Time I want to create an automata-mobile hybrid sculpture. This is going to have a number of engineering challenges. The first will be to create a successful automaton that uses a hand crank to create an up and down motion. The second challenge will be to create that mobiles that hang from the…

Top 5 constraints

The top 5 constraints of my project would be: Time: The time for the project by itself is not a lot, not even to mention that fact that we as students may have 4-5 of other projects/assignments for other classes. So there is limited time to devote to the project. Having to deal with it…

Main Project Top 5 Constraints

  Engineering Ability] When it comes to building things I have always enjoyed tinkering. However, when it comes to applying a tinker’s mentality to an engineers point of view, the ability in understanding changes. I don’t work well with numbers, and models, and generally anything that a logical engineer would do. I have always been…

Main Project – Top 5 Constraints

1.) Budget Budget is a main concern as the price of acrylic is rather expensive and as an unemployed college student I’m really in no position to spend too much. Although it’s a rather cool project the size of it will make it expensive, not only that but I would also have to find a…

Main Project – Top 5 constraints

1 – Ability to woodwork My first constraint is my ability to woodwork; or rather, my lack of ability. For this project, I am not just learning a new skill but attempting to master it – all in a couple months.  I took the woodworking workshop at the Idea Forge, and using the tools seems…

Top 5 Constraints – River Table

My top five constraints for this river table project include Aesthetic of the wood itself, Aesthetic of the finished table, Cost (and therefore size), epoxy curing process/environment, and Time.  All of these constraints were set by myself when seeing the viability of each project I was researching.   Constraint 1: Aesthetic of the Wood Itself…

Main Project 2020: Top 5 Constraints on Water Clock

Figure 1: The design aesthetic I am going for Constraint 1: Design Aesthetic I have decided that I will be targeting Apple’s minimalist design aesthetic using white colors with sleek transitions and curvy lines. Everything in their products are customized for the specific applications and Apple even designs innovative manufacturing processes to facilitate the fabrication…

Top 5 Constraints 2020: Desk Lamp

After deliberating a bit, I have chosen to follow Option 3: Futuristic Laser Cut Sections of my last “Main Project Aesthetics” post when creating my desk lamp. I hope to create something similar to the featured image design [1] by laser cutting wood into a sleek, decorative arrangement of geometric shapes. Again, I hope to…

Main Project Aesthetic // Kensue Kiatoukaysy

For my main project aesthetic I wanted to go with an Illumination Aesthetic as shown below in the gas station. This is an aesthetic where light illuminates any object in order to bring more color and depth to the object as a whole. By michael sroka neon lighting, rainbow aesthetic, neon aesthetic, vaporwave, pink peacock…

Main Project Aesthetic – River Table

The recent craze of the river table has come about in the last 10-20 years.  This is especially dependent on polymer technology getting us to where we are today. The aesthetic of a river table is includes the natural/live edge aspect of wood/lumber, and combines it with a clean, glasslike finish of the epoxy.  It…