Student Work

Design Video: Ramen Statue

When looking for design videos I came across what I can only describe as click bait. I watched it because I thought this is going to be so weird and stupid and then it turned out to be an amazing design video. The concept is intriguing and the artist executed it well. It is impressive…

Mars Project Team – Favorite design/build video

I like the channel, Mars Project Team, a lot. They are really good at making miniature buildings out of real building materials like concrete and then furnish them with usable diy-furnitures. The miniatures that they make are very much like a livable real houses, but just in small scale. I remember the first time that…

Youtube Design Video

I am a huge fan of Adam Savage’s Tested, as I’m sure many others in this class are. I like the channel, and this build in particular, for a number of reasons. There are a plethora of tools and techniques being used; Adam isn’t just a carpenter, or a sewer, or a metal smith. Unlike…

Main Project // Top 5 Constraints

As I have moved forward with beginning to design my wedding arch, I have identified some of the hardest parts of this project. Creating something that can be easily constructed and deconstructed on the day of my wedding is proving to be more challenging than expected. I thought that I could use threaded copper pipes…

Main Project Aesthetics // Plans and Alternatives

Having explored inspiration from other artists, brides, and Pinterest, I have settled on a desired aesthetic. I was predominantly inspired by this arch: Photograph by Anushe Low, styling by Rock My Wedding Particularly, I love the use of exposed copper pipes. I think these exposed pipes look industrial, rustic, and bring a nice juxtaposition to…

Main Project Inspo // What Will It Be?

When brainstorming what in the world I could make for the main project, it initially felt like a huge, daunting blank canvas. So I started to narrow down what I wanted to get out of this project and eventually settled on the following: I want to be challenged by this project. Specifically, I want to…

Favorite YouTube Design/Build: Defunctland

Defunctland is easily my favorite YouTube design/build series. Kevin Perjurer does an excellent job giving a history of a failed attraction from various big names, such as Nickelodeon and Disney. Some of the places he gives a recounting of are absolute train wrecks, and I particularly enjoy how some of them can be very long,…

Favorite YouTube Builds: Adam Savage One Day Builds

featured image credit: For many of us young engineering folks Mythbusters was an incredibly influential show on discovery channel. I personally was always enamored with the scale of objects that the folks on that show were able to build. Adam Savage was always my personal favorite mainly due to his unapologetically nerdy demeanor. The show…

Design Review 2: Octopus Statue

Above is the tentative timeline for my octopus statue. I’ve had to make a lot of adjustments to create a design I can make while at home. The design is very simple that way I can complete it this is something I’ve been planning since COVID-19 shut down the university. . The timelines shows how…

Design Review 2 – COVID Update

My plan for this project as of a couple of days ago was to make an automated mixed-drink dispenser. Unfortunately, considering unforeseen events I have made the decision to pivot. Many of the parts that I had ordered and was expecting to receive weeks ago, have been further delayed or canceled, and I also don’t…

Favorite Youtube Design/Build Videos: Mark Rober

Mark Rober’s “Package Thief vs. Glitter Bomb Trap” While I would have loved to find a lesser known creator, I feel that Mark Rober’s package thief bait videos match the spirit of the fast approaching April 1st quite well. Achieving certifiably viral status, his prank on those with nefarious intentions is quite the display of…

Favorite Build Video: Miniature House

One of my closest friends loves to build miniatures and so she got me addicted to watching miniature build videos. I think I am addicted because they are relaxing to watch (somewhat ASMR-y) and once you start a video you quickly get sucked in and have to watch through to the end because there is…

Design Review 2: Magic Mirror Update

Everything sure has turned crazy, and it has changed my ability to complete my magic mirror. 🙁 With COVID shutdowns, I’m not receiving the same amount of money from my job since I now have reduced hours. This means that I won’t be able to spend the money on the monitor/electronics needed for the magic…

Design Review Part 2

Well, I hit a few roadblocks within the past two weeks. I’m sure all of us can relate. Related to this project, I received some bad news: a friend who was going to “donate” an .mp3 of an old track lost the file with a computer crash. 🙁 The good news: I found more music. See…

Design Review 2 Covid Update (Kaleidoscope Project)

Oversized Kaleidoscope Project. Given the fact that a global pandemic has effected us, the project I was ultimately planning and in the works to create was put on hold. This project was something I was heavily planning on constructing during Spring Break, however given the situation with areas closing down and my material options dwindling,…

Design Review Part 2: Procedural Toys

In the wake of Corona, my last project idea was basically kaput. The “Pinion Twist” gear puzzle still had more prototyping to go through and more importantly access to a working laser cutter. My new project is to create a dynamic visual display of generative art through code. This display will be interactive to some…

Design Review 1 – Drink Maker

  For my final project I am planning on making an automated mixed-drink dispenser. I got the idea from my roommate who is a bartender and has been thinking about making something like this for quite a while. If it is successful he plans to try it out at his bar. So far, I have…

Pipe Couch: How and When

For my project of the industrial pipe couch, a timeline will be very useful in ensuring the timely and structured completion in order to be prepared to present come time on April 20. From now until then, I have four weeks and a few days. In the first week, ending when spring break does, I…

Favorite Youtube Design Video 2020: Survival Builder

Video Description I first found these videos on social media and found them to be fascinating and addicting to watch. These two guys (plus a cameraman) from Cambodia design and build anything from two story houses with swimming pools to temples with water slides all using ancient techniques and organic materials such as bamboo, leaves…

Design Review Pt. 2 – Rustic Ocean River Table

Timeline The screenshot above lays out the overall timeline for this project.  I will discuss each task below. Ideation, Research, and Feasibility The initial part of the project was to figure out what I wanted to do, how I was going to do it, and asses the overall feasibility of multiple projects.  Ultamitely I chose…

Design Review Part 2: Stirling Engine

As everyone around the world is experiencing the impacts of COVID-19, classes at CU especially hands-on, project based classes have been forced to adapt and change in extreme ways. With that being said for my project I am still confident that I will be able complete a functional stirling motor and achieve the steam punk…

Design Progress 2: Video Game Children Stories

Timeline Fortunately, due to this project being completely digital, the timeline has not been complicated. I plan to do three stories, but I will at least finish one. First Story: Goodnight Kirby (Goodnight Moon + Kirby) done 3/30/2020 Benefits of this story: storyboard has been finished beforehand, and final sketches are being done over spring…

Design Review Part 1: Video Game Children’s Stories

What is This? I wanted to make an animation that retold old children stories (like Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise), except with various video game characters in a soft, cute aesthetic. The animations would be less than 5 minutes per book, unless the book is exceptionally long. The entire animation process is based off of…

Design Review p.2 – How? Mood Rings

Above is the original timeline for my main project. Given the new set of circumstances thanks to COVID-19, I will make just one change to my plans, and that is replacing the “Reiteration” with a 3D rendering of the toy within SolidWorks. Because we have lost (easy) access to the laser cutters, and with the…

Design Review 2020 Part 2: How

I. INTRODUCTION Building off of the last blog post, Design Review 1, a lot of the initial plans of how I would make the guitar has changed, due to the closure of campus resources and the precautions taken because of COVID-19. These changes are later detailed in part V. Timeline and Logistics: Manufacturing Changes due…

Design Review Part 2: Owl Sculpture

With the recent ongoing Covid-19 situation, my timeline regarding the project has changed slightly; pictured below: Prototyping is divide into two major sections – that of the building the actual sculpture, and that of working on the dynamic components. The fabrication of the main sculpture will be very similar to my Upcycle project – formation…

Design Review 2 – Cardboard Grabber

With the closures of all facilities on campus due to the pandemic, my schedule/plan for my cardboard grabber arm has changed significantly. For the aesthetics phase of my design, I planned to use the laser cutters in the ITLL in order to achieve precision, and sleek cut lines in order to get that iron man…

Coffee Capsules Holder Design Review 2

At this time in the semester, I have made some progress in my coffee capsules holder. At this point, and with everything going with the Coronavirus, campus access is impossible. Luckily, I have managed to buy the material I need to work on with the laser cutter at the last minute, and was able to…

Design Review Part 2 // Main Project

Photograph by Anushe Low, styling by Rock My Wedding   Check out my design review here: For my hexagonal wedding arch, I intend to spend the next few weeks (including Spring Break) solidifying my design and ordering materials. I need to decide whether I am making a single hexagon with a stand or a double…

Design Review: How: Two Lamps and a Clock

Original Plans Here is my original timeline before any campus closures. It has obviously been completely upturned, but it shows how I would complete my project sans-covid. Complications Unfortunately, like most in this class, the construction of my project relied on tools and materials I no longer have access to. I was looking forward to…

Neon Sign – Design Review Part 2

To complete the neon sign I have already ordered the lighting and rubber tubing, they are coming on amazon prime so should arrive no later than 3/20. As for the electronic wiring and connection I am currently unsure of how/where I will be able to complete that aspect of the project but I am looking…

Reading table: Covid Update

So with covid 19 closing down school and much of the other things in the area my project will either take two routes. First: if I can get everything figured out before places like McGuckins and the like close I should be able to get all of the materials I need to more or less…

Top 5 Constraints – Neon Sign

Here are the top constraints for my project – Cost – This factor will depend on the rubber tubing that I use and the amount of lighting I need. I will have to solder and connect components together, but the size of the sign can become expensive fast. Also, the rubber tubing needs to be…

Design Review 2020 Part 2: Desk Lamp

Timeline My project has been complicated by the closing of the ITLL due to the COVID-19 pandemic. My only option for fabricating my laser cut desk lamp on campus is now the Rapid Prototyping Lab’s laser cutter within the Idea Forge. The Idea Forge now has reduced hours (open 9 AM – 5 PM) for…

Design Review 2020 Part Two: Timeline and Logistics

Water Clock: Design Review Part Two Introduction The aesthetic I am going for   Update as of 3/15/2020: Due to the recent closure of the University and other circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, I will be descoping the project. Without the campus resources, I would not be able to laser cut the material, build the…

Design Review Part 2: Dopamine Interactive Apparel

Timeline As an overview, my project (Dopamine) will be developing interactive apparel that encourages real life interaction the same way social media encourages online interaction. Dopamine Timeline   The week of the Design Review will be designated for ordering prototyping materials and practicing my sewing skills. These materials include LED breakout boards, microcontrollers, and inexpensive…

Design Review 2: How and When?

For the second part of my disc golf design, I received half of my material yesterday from McMaster-Carr but I am still waiting for my T-slot piping. My plan is still inline with my original plan. To build the frame by the beginning of Spring Break and then work on designing the side and back…

Design Review Part 1: Chicken Wire Sculpture

During the fabrication process of the previous sculpture for my Upcycling project, I actually really enjoyed working with the chicken wire frame – both in terms of manipulating it into a form I desire, as well as the intricacy and detail a wire frame can offer. I also have a lot of leftover wire frame…

Design Review Part 1: Detailed Plans for Hedgehog Phone Case

For the final project of this class, I’m creating a hedgehog phone case with minimalism style. I didn’t get to present in class, but here is the slides if anyone wants to check it out: I had this super rough 3D model in the presentation, which I still need to refine. But the basic…

Design Review 1

I am making a wooden icosahedron  with an infinite LED illusion encapsulated within. I got this inspiration from Deep Light Labs version of a dodecahedron paired with lighting and music. The light show and object together offer a beautiful display of lighting and depth. Check it out if you have a second to spare, it…

Design Review 1: Stirling Engine

Design For my project I am creating an operational Stirling Motor that will run off of a small lit candle as the heat source. The Stirling Motor runs fundamentally off of a heat differential between the top of the cylinder and the bottom of the cylinder and the cyclical expansion and contraction of air inside…

Design Review: Two Lamps and A Clock

Inspirations I was inspired by the following lamps as well as the modernist aesthetic in general for my projects(click images for source). I like the curves and simple materials in these lamps, and hope to emulate their feel with my lamps .   I was also inspired by the following two minimalist/modernist clocks for my…

Design Review pt1: Octopus Statue

For the inspiration for my main project I looked to what my favorite things are. I wanted to really like what I’m creating since I’d be working on it for so long. That’s when I came to the octopus, I have always been fascinated by their tentacles, ability to camouflage, and ability to essentially shape…

Design Review 1: Epoxy Resin Art

Initial Design Process: With this change that has been going on, my project has changed as well. I am here in California and it has been problematic obtaining some of the tools to complete this project.  However, I will be falling back to one of the project ideas I mentioned in my alternatives, utilizing wood…

Top 5 Constraints 2020: Epoxy Resin Art

Here are the constraints for my main project: Time – The first constraint I need to keep in mind for this project is time.  Both of the materials I am using have lengthy setting and drying times.  Concrete takes 24-48 hours to dry and epoxy resin takes around 72 hours to completely cure.  With the…

Design Review: Sweatshirt

Inspiration When I had first started thinking of inspiration for this project, I wanted to work with something I enjoy and am passionate about. I started thinking about all of the opportunity behind clothing, and how you can make a piece of clothing out of really any material if you design and construct it right.…

Design review: reading table

My inspiration for this project comes primarily from the work of George Nakashima and the industrial chic aesthetic. George Nakashima is an american woodworker who chose to keep the live edges on the wood slabs he used to create his furniture believing that nature was the true artist. Much of Nakashima’s work has a modern…