I am currently in my last semester in chemical and biological engineering, with a minor in biomedical engineering. As far as programs go I am proficient in Matlab, Aspen HYSYS, and Aspen Plus. I am very skilled in Excel. I am also experienced with some specialty tools. I am very good at compression fittings, Propress, table saws, and working with PVC. I am also a very skilled painter. I have been painting houses since I was about 4 years old. I also am very good at details.
I do not have any experience with 3D modeling. I am hoping to learn a bit about 3D modeling and basics of design. As a chemical engineer I do not have a lot of experience with products, and I am more used to designing processes. I feel like learning the basics of product design will help my career as a chemical engineer.
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[…] Skill Set and Aspirations […]
I definitely am in the same place as you in regards to not having lots of experience with products, but about the design process overall. This class very much emphasized the design process so hopefully you felt confident while thinking about the process of each project we produced.